Forum Discussion

Milan_4483's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 18, 2012

Business objects / SAP error in IE due to irule

Issue: When users go the website and browse to their excel report, right click and select view, it throws an Error in IE. The error does not exist in Chrome/Firefox.



Currently we have the following irule applied to convert HTTP to HTTPS





HTTP::respond 301 Location https://[getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1][HTTP::uri]





SAP Support has provided the following irule to fix the problem







if {[HTTP::header exists "Cache-Control"]}




if {[HTTP::header "Cache-Control"] equals "no-cache"}




HTTP::header replace "Cache-Control" "max-age=0, must-revalidate"






if {[HTTP::header exists "Pragma"]}




HTTP::header remove "Pragma"





if {[HTTP::header exists "Content-Disposition"]}




set fn "[findstr [HTTP::header "Content-Disposition"] "filename=" 9]"


set cp "[substr [HTTP::header "Content-Disposition"] 0 ";"]"


log local0. "FILENAME OUTSIDE= $fn"


log local0. "CON-DISP TYPE= $cp"


if {not($fn equals "")}




if {[HTTP::header exists "Cache-Control"]}




HTTP::header replace "Cache-Control" "max-age=0, must-revalidate"




if {[HTTP::header exists "Pragma"]}




HTTP::header remove "Pragma"




log local0. "FILENAME SEEN = $fn"


if {$fn contains ".xls"}




HTTP::header replace "Content-Type" "application/"


HTTP::header replace "Content-Type" "application/pdf"






if {[HTTP::header "Content-Type"] contains "text/html"}




STREAM::expression "@http:@https:@ @:9085@@"











Need Help With - When we just use the irule provided by SAP, the site coversion from HTTP to HTTPS does not happen. Need help with incorporating the irule provided by SAP to our existing irule.



Thanks in advance.


  • George_Watkins_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account



    You'll need to provide the error message and any additional information you have if you want help troubleshooting your iRule. I don't have an SAP environment available for test so there's no way I can reproduce your issue.



    Based on the limited information in your post, I'd guess this is what you are running into: Internet Explorer file downloads over SSL do not work with the cache control headers



    My suggestion would be to create two virtual servers, one for HTTP and another for HTTPS. Assign the built-in HTTP to HTTPS redirect iRule (_sys_https_redirect) and an HTTP profile to the HTTP virtual. For the HTTPS virtual, attach an SSL profile, HTTP profile, the SAP pool, and finally the original iRule that SAP gave you.



    Give that a shot and it should work without needing to change any of the code. If you're still running into issues, post some further detail here and we'll do our best to give you a hand.



  • Thanks George for looking in the issue.



    The error we were getting in IE8 was as follows






    HTTP Status 404 - /ull

    type Status report




    descriptionThe requested resource (/ull) is not available.


    Apache Tomcat/5.5.20






    The suggestions you provided seem to be working in IE8. We are doing additional testing. IE9 throws the following error






    HTTP Status 400 - Invalid path /PlatformServices/content/view was requested

    type Status report


    messageInvalid path /PlatformServices/content/view was requested


    descriptionThe request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (Invalid path /PlatformServices/content/view was requested).


    Apache Tomcat/5.5.20






    To summarize we made the following changes


    Applied HTTP to HTTPS irule to Virtual Server on port 80


    Applied irule provided by SAP to Virtual Server on port 443