Sort objects by busy-ness

Problem this snippet solves:

Here's a request we've had for a long time: sort objects by busy-ness. Since there was never a consensus of what was meant by busy or how that information was to be presented, product development gave us an API to create our own custom views. So here's a cool way to watch objects (vips/snats/nats) sorted by busiest. You can sort on each of the parameters (ex. CPS, max conns, tot throughput, etc.). It requires you to also include the "misc_procedures" script as well.

NOTE: This was created to help quickly find the busiest objects on the box. At one point, we were troubleshooting why TMM CPU was so busy and bigtop only showed VIPS. Turned out traffic was traversing a snat instead. Sorting/grepping/sed/awking through bigpipe/tmsh output for all the objects was cumbersome.


y=`b virtual show`; for i in `echo "$y" | egrep '^ \| \(cur' | awk '{print $8}' | egrep -o '0-9+' | sort -rn | head`; do echo "$y" | egrep -B 2 "^ \| \(cur, max, limit, tot\) = \(0-9+, $i"; done
y=`b snat show`; for i in `echo "$y" | egrep '^\| \(cur' | awk '{print $8}' | egrep -o '0-9+' | sort -rn | head`; do echo "$y" | egrep -B 1 "^\| \(cur, max, limit, tot\) = \(0-9+, $i"; done 


DEFAULTS (without any arguments):

  • Shows all object types (vips/snats/nats)
  • Sorts by Current Connections
  • Samples every 10s (as there can be lots of objects which can put a bit of load on mcpd).
  • Auto Formats Output
  • Shows all records (simply put number on the end for how many objects you would like to see)

See "Usage example below"


I know, I know. There is always room for improvement. Some have already thought about are:

  • Be able to only show field specified (instead of ALL the fields) to prevent wrap around on narrow terminals. Will require complete overhaul but need time to noodle on it.
  • Add object sub-type (ex. tcp-vip vs. fastL4 vip)

This is version 1.0 so have a few things would like to clean up but basic functionality is there. Getting it to Devcentral asap to leverage the incredible brain trust on here:)

Sample Output:

root@bigip(Active)(tmos.cli.script)# run watch_by_busy ?
usage: watch_by_busy
                                         default = all

                                         default = cur-conns

                                         default = auto

                          number of records to display
                                         default = all records

                 ex. watch_by_busy
                     watch_by_busy virtual max-conns auto 10

root@bigip(Active)(tmos.cli.script)# run watch_by_busy
  all            bits-out       gig            max-conns      object-name    pkts-out       tot-bits-in    tot-pkts-in
  auto           cps            help           meg            object-type    raw            tot-bits-out   tot-pkts-out
  bits-in        cur-conns      kil            nat            pkts-in        snat           tot-conns      virtual

root@bigip(Active)(tmos.cli.script)# run watch_by_busy virtual max-conns 15
Gathering stats over interval 10 secs. Please be patient.

Object                          Oject    Conns    Conns    Conns    Conns     Bits     Bits Tot-Bits  Tot-Bits     Pkts     Pkts Tot-Pkts Tot-Pkts
Name                             Type      CPS      Cur      Max      Tot       In      Out       In       Out       In      Out       In      Out
-------------------------    --------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -------  -------  -------  -------
out                           virtual        2        5      128   23.47M        0        0   65.11G  2455.13G        0        0  103.49M  208.55M
ps_http                       virtual        0        0      115   36.28K        0        0    8.57G   666.21G        0        0   26.57M   55.64M
ps_tftp                       virtual        0        0       90    4.38K        0        0  562.10M    23.19G        0        0    2.19M    2.19M
vpn-fwd-test                  virtual        0        2       29    6.14K        0        0  410.00M     1.35G        0        0  341.96K  381.49K          virtual        0        0       26   46.36K        0        0  587.07M     6.17G        0        0  548.34K  738.84K          virtual        0        0       26   43.09K        0        0  632.98M     6.21G        0        0  648.91K  782.99K          virtual        0        0       26   42.73K        0        0  625.30M     6.18G        0        0  641.43K  778.51K          virtual        0        0       26   51.93K        0        0  762.37M     7.02G        0        0  779.38K  916.95K          virtual        0        0       25   43.46K        0        0  636.59M     6.21G        0        0  652.51K  785.42K          virtual        0        0       25   41.33K        0        0  755.48M     6.21G        0        0  607.76K  736.14K          virtual        0        0       25   53.14K        0        0  669.71M     6.45G        0        0  632.91K  826.27K          virtual        0        0       25   48.43K        0        0  612.60M     6.25G        0        0  570.71K  763.19K          virtual        0        1       25  237.84K    2.73K    3.18K    3.26G     9.30G        1        1    2.35M    1.92M          virtual        0        0       25   58.93K        0        0  860.26M     6.77G        0        0  740.68K  908.49K          virtual        0        0       25   49.26K        0        0  910.83M     6.13G        0        0  777.24K    1.01M
es_ldap                       virtual        3        0       15    3.03M    2.90K    1.79K    2.91G     1.79G        6        5    6.02M    4.99M

Code :

cli script watch_by_busy {
proc script::init {} {

    #Version 1.0. Have a few things would like to clean up but basic functionality is there.


    set ::usage_string "usage: [lindex $tmsh::argv 0] \n \
                        \t\t  \t\t (virtual|snat|nat|all) \n  \
                                     \t\t\t\t\t default = all \n\n \
                        \t\t  \t (object-name|object-type|cps|cur-conns|max-conns|tot-conns| \n \
                                     \t\t\t\t\t bits-in|bits-out|tot-bits-in|tot-bits-out| \n \
                                     \t\t\t\t\t pkts-in|pkts-out|tot-pkts-in|tot-pkts-out) \n \
                                     \t\t\t\t\t default = cur-conns \n\n \
                       \t\t  \t\t (gig|meg|kil|raw|auto) \n \
                                     \t\t\t\t\t default = auto \n\n \
                       \t\t  \t number of records to display \n \
                                     \t\t\t\t\t default = all records \n\n \
                       \t\t ex. [lindex $tmsh::argv 0] \n \
                       \t\t     [lindex $tmsh::argv 0] virtual max-conns auto 10"

    set ::object_types { virtual snat nat all }
    set ::fields       { object-name object-type cps cur-conns max-conns tot-conns\
                         bits-in bits-out tot-bits-in tot-bits-out\
                         pkts-in pkts-out tot-pkts-in tot-pkts-out }
    set ::formats      { gig meg kil raw auto }

    set ::padding 2
    set ::interval 10

proc usage { } {
            puts $::usage_string


proc process_cmd_args_p { args_default } {

   upvar $args_default my_args

   foreach { arg } $tmsh::argv {

       if { [ lsearch -exact $::object_types $arg ] >= 0  } {
          set my_args(object_type) $arg
       } elseif { [ lsearch -exact $::fields $arg ] >= 0 } {
          set my_args(field) $arg
          set my_args(field_index) [ lsearch -exact $::fields $arg ]
       } elseif { [ lsearch -exact $::formats $arg ] >= 0  } {
          set my_args(format) $arg
       } elseif { [ regexp {\d+} $arg ] } {
          set my_args(num_display) $arg
       }  elseif { $arg equals "help" } {



proc get_stats_p { results_l object_type } {

    upvar $results_l results

    if { $object_type equals "all" } {
          set object_types { virtual snat nat }
    } else {
           set object_types $object_type

    foreach obj_type $object_types {

            set idx 0

            set objs [tmsh::get_status / ltm $obj_type raw ]
            set count [llength $objs]

            while { $idx < $count } {

                set object_l {}
                set obj [lindex $objs $idx]

                if { $obj_type equals "virtual" or $obj_type equals "snat" } {

                lappend object_l              [tmsh::get_name $obj] \
                                              $obj_type \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.tot-conns"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.cur-conns"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.max-conns"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.tot-conns"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.bits-in"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.bits-out"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.bits-in"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.bits-out"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.pkts-in"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.pkts-out"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.pkts-in"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "clientside.pkts-out"] \

                } elseif { $obj_type equals "nat" } {

                lappend object_l              [tmsh::get_name $obj] \
                                              $obj_type \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.tot-conns"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.cur-conns"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.max-conns"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.tot-conns"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.bits-in"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.bits-out"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.bits-in"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.bits-out"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.pkts-in"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.pkts-out"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.pkts-in"] \
                                              [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "serverside.pkts-out"] \


                lappend results $object_l
                incr idx



proc script::run {} {

    tmsh::include misc_procedures

    #set defaults. Show all object types, sort by cur-conns = field_index 3, auto format and essentially display unlimited objects
    array set args { object_type all   field cur-conns   field_index 3   format auto    num_display 10000 }

    if { $tmsh::argc > 5 } {
    process_cmd_args_p args

    set fields1       {  Object   Oject   Conns  Conns    Conns   Conns   Bits   Bits  Tot-Bits  Tot-Bits  Pkts   Pkts  Tot-Pkts  Tot-Pkts  }
    set fields2       {    Name    Type     CPS    Cur      Max     Tot     In    Out        In       Out    In    Out        In       Out  }
    set field_lengths {      20       8       7      7        7       7      7      7         7         7     7      7         7         7  }
    set rate_fields   { 2 6 7 10 11 }

    # result set tables
    set results_1_l {}
    set results_2_l {}

    set delay [expr $::interval * 1000]

    #first poll
    get_stats_p results_1_l $args(object_type)

    puts "Gathering stats over interval $::interval secs. Please be patient."

while { true } {

    after $delay

    # second poll
    get_stats_p results_2_l $args(object_type)

     # list for deltas between results_1_l and results_2_l. using tcl lists as much more conducive to sorting
     set delta_l [ calculate_delta_list_p $results_1_l $results_2_l $rate_fields ]

           # create an array of formated values so can key off name.
           # however, in tcl, easier to pass arrays in list form first

           set formated_l  [ create_formated_array_p $delta_l  $args(format)  field_lengths ]
           array set formated_a $formated_l


            #Print Headers
            puts [ format_line_p $fields1 $field_lengths ]
            puts [ format_line_p $fields2 $field_lengths ]
            puts [ format_spacer_p $fields2 $field_lengths ]

            #Now comes the sorting
            set tx 0
            foreach object [ lsort -decreasing -real -index $args(field_index) $delta_l ] {

                if { $tx <= $args(num_display) } {

                    #handle first field "object name" differently
                    set obj_name [ lindex $object 0 ]

                    puts [ format_line_p $formated_a($obj_name) $field_lengths ]

                    incr tx


            # use the most recent results as the next previous results
            set results_1_l $results_2_l
            set results_2_l {}

proc script::help {} {
    tmsh::add_help "$::usage_string"

proc script::tabc {} {

  lappend tab_types $::object_types $::fields $::formats help
  foreach tab_type $tab_types {
        foreach tab $tab_type {
            tmsh::add_tabc $tab

Published Mar 10, 2015
Version 1.0
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