Forum Discussion

casey_williams_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 23, 2019

BIGIP 12.1 GUI unable to alter node/pool settings, error 1137


BIG-IP Build 0.0.10 Point Release 5


K16873079: The BIG-IP system may fail to bring a pool member offline when users attempt to set the node state to user-down 01070712:3: Caught configuration exception (0), Invalid monitor rule instance identifier: 1137


This may be the wrong forum to place this in, but I was hoping to share my workaround for the issue described in K16873079 with no "official" workaround provided.


Looking for a workaround to regain control of this pool.


  • Answer

    From the link

    Known Issue The BIG-IP system may fail to bring a pool member offline.

    This issue occurs when the following condition is met:

    You attempt to set the state of a pool member to user-down using the following Traffic Management Shell (tmsh) command syntax: tmsh modify /ltm node state user-down

    For example, to set the state of pool member to user-down you would type the following command:

    tmsh modify /ltm node state user-down


    1) SSH to your F5 appliance:

    2) Go to bash using command:

    user@(BIGIP)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) bash
    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] ~ 

    3) Backup your bigip.conf file:

    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] ~  cp bigip.conf bigip.conf.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).bak
    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] config  ls -al bigip.conf*
    -rw-r-----. 1 root root     593408 2019-01-23 09:50 bigip.conf
    <--- output omitted for brevity --->
    -rw-r-----. 1 root webusers 593408 2019-01-23 10:14 bigip.conf.20190123101439.bak

    4) vi your bigip.conf file

    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] config  vi bigip.conf

    5) Navigate to the affected VIP location in bigip.conf, in this instance it's YOUR_POOL and the affected pool member is server3.local

    ltm pool /Common/YOUR_POOL {
        members {
            /Common/server1.local:443 {
                session user-disabled
            /Common/server2.local:443 {
            /Common/server3.local:443 {
                monitor /Common/your_wrong_monitor
        monitor /Common/your_smart_monitor

    6a) IF your problem is related to a pool monitor erroneously applied Delete the line:

    session user-disabled

    6b) OR if your problem is due to the KB listed above then delete the line Delete the line:

    monitor /Common/your_wrong_monitor

    7) Save and close the file, now verify the bigip.conf using the following command

    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] config  tmsh load /sys config verify

    šŸ˜Ž If your bigip.conf file successfully verifies, load the file into your running config using the following command:

    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] config  tmsh load /sys config

    Now you should be able to alter your nodes in the affected pool. Be sure to sync your configs to other devices in your group.

  • Answer

    From the link

    Known Issue The BIG-IP system may fail to bring a pool member offline.

    This issue occurs when the following condition is met:

    You attempt to set the state of a pool member to user-down using the following Traffic Management Shell (tmsh) command syntax: tmsh modify /ltm node state user-down

    For example, to set the state of pool member to user-down you would type the following command:

    tmsh modify /ltm node state user-down


    1) SSH to your F5 appliance:

    2) Go to bash using command:

    user@(BIGIP)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) bash
    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] ~ 

    3) Backup your bigip.conf file:

    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] ~  cp bigip.conf bigip.conf.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).bak
    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] config  ls -al bigip.conf*
    -rw-r-----. 1 root root     593408 2019-01-23 09:50 bigip.conf
    <--- output omitted for brevity --->
    -rw-r-----. 1 root webusers 593408 2019-01-23 10:14 bigip.conf.20190123101439.bak

    4) vi your bigip.conf file

    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] config  vi bigip.conf

    5) Navigate to the affected VIP location in bigip.conf, in this instance it's YOUR_POOL and the affected pool member is server3.local

    ltm pool /Common/YOUR_POOL {
        members {
            /Common/server1.local:443 {
                session user-disabled
            /Common/server2.local:443 {
            /Common/server3.local:443 {
                monitor /Common/your_wrong_monitor
        monitor /Common/your_smart_monitor

    6a) IF your problem is related to a pool monitor erroneously applied Delete the line:

    session user-disabled

    6b) OR if your problem is due to the KB listed above then delete the line Delete the line:

    monitor /Common/your_wrong_monitor

    7) Save and close the file, now verify the bigip.conf using the following command

    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] config  tmsh load /sys config verify

    šŸ˜Ž If your bigip.conf file successfully verifies, load the file into your running config using the following command:

    [user@BIGIP:Active:In Sync] config  tmsh load /sys config

    Now you should be able to alter your nodes in the affected pool. Be sure to sync your configs to other devices in your group.