Forum Discussion

boneyard's avatar
Mar 19, 2012

adding LTM to an ASM 3600

running a 3600 with only ASM at the moment, if we would like to add LTM, what would be the impact? just buy, install and go or would it mean (much) more work?


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    You'd need to reactivate the license which you should do during a maintenance window. You could then add load balancing to existing pools and/or create new virtual servers which load balance to pools with multiple members.



  • Hi Boneyard,


    I think what you are asking about the impact is if you hardware is capable enough to hande this new module as well, for the answer of this question let us know which ver. of TMOS are you running if you are running ver 10.x.x. or later you can go to the dashboard and see the current utilization of Memory and the CPU , with LTM on you box you can consider the memory utilization going up by another 20-30% so you can be a better judge if the current ASM is really heavily used and the addition of new module will impact other things or not.



  • Hi Boneyard,


    I think what you are asking about the impact is if you hardware is capable enough to hande this new module as well, for the answer of this question let us know which ver. of TMOS are you running if you are running ver 10.x.x. or later you can go to the dashboard and see the current utilization of Memory and the CPU , with LTM on you box you can consider the memory utilization going up by another 20-30% so you can be a better judge if the current ASM is really heavily used and the addition of new module will impact other things or not.


