Forum Discussion
Sep 13, 2012Nimbostratus
adding 2 pool into the same virtual-server
I have 2 pools - YAYA_80 with member and
and a second pool YAYA_0 with member and
I would like to have a single virtual-server port 80 tcp with pool YAYA_80 and YAYA_0
is that possible?
I don't want to have to vip like and
Under the gui, All I can see if the default pool (single pool) and using tmsh It seems like it is the same issue.
Thanks for your assistance.
- HamishCirrocumulusYes. You could create a single VS on port 0 with the default pool your port-0 pool. Then add an iRule that checks for server port == 80 and set the pool in the iRUle to your port-80 pool.
- bert_92443Nimbostratusthanks - I will test today -
- HamishCirrocumulusThere's probbaly one in codeshare. But a quick one (UNtested, type don the fly) would be something like
when client-connect { if { [ IP::protocol ] == 6 } if { [TCP:local_port] == 80 } { pool my-server-pool-80 } } }
- HamishCirrocumulusAnd has a missing { character in it...
when client-connect { if { [ IP::protocol ] == 6 } { if { [TCP:local_port] == 80 } { pool my-server-pool-80 } } }
- hoolioCirrostratusCLIENT_ACCEPTED 🙂
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { [ IP::protocol ] == 6 } { if { [TCP:local_port] == 80 } { pool my-server-pool-80 } } }
- bert_92443NimbostratusThank you so much.
- Kleython_Kell_5NimbostratusYours members are different, then, you can create another pool, with the 4 members and use this pool on the VS
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