Forum Discussion
Add new key into data group without updating entire list using the API
Is there a way using the API to add a single key to a data group without needing to POST/PATCH the entire existing list with the single new addition?
In other words if I have a data group that looks like this:
"name": "key1",
"data": "value1"
"name": "key2",
"data": "value2"
and I want to add the following:
"name": "key3",
"data": "value3"
When using the CLI or GUI I can do this one at a time. Using the REST API it does not appear that I can just add a single new key to the list without having to GET the existing list and manually add the new one to the body before POSTing back to the LTM. Is there a way to do this that I am missing?
I workaround this with options parameter:
?options=records add { key3 { data value3 } }
curl -ku "admin:admin" -X PATCH -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{ "name":"my_datagroup" }' https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/my_datagroup?options=records%20add%20%7b%20key3%20%7b%20data%20value3%20%7d%20%7d |jq .
Best regards.
- cjuniorNacreous
I workaround this with options parameter:
?options=records add { key3 { data value3 } }
curl -ku "admin:admin" -X PATCH -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{ "name":"my_datagroup" }' https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/my_datagroup?options=records%20add%20%7b%20key3%20%7b%20data%20value3%20%7d%20%7d |jq .
Best regards.
- Tim_HarberCirrus
This is exactly what I am looking for, thank you! Where can I find more info about the options(i.e. add) available with data groups? I would also like to do the same thing removing a single record as well and see what else is available.
- cjuniorNacreous
You can find a generic explanation in user guide about options parameter.
Specifies the options to a query request. This parameter takes values that are compatible with the tmsh command-line options."
In this case, "PATCH" runs "modify" and "options" completes the tmsh command:
modify ltm data-group internal my_datagroup records add { key3 { data value3 } }
So, to delete a record, change operation to "delete":
?options=records delete { key1 }
curl -ku "admin:admin" -X PATCH -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{ "name":"my_datagroup" }' https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/data-group/internal/my_datagroup?options=records%20delete%20%7B%20key1%20%7D |jq .
Full docs:
Data-group docs:
- Tim_HarberCirrus
Excellent. Add and deletes are both working. Thanks again!
- EvTheFutureCirrus
Edit: In order to select a different partition than Common send this as the body:
{"partition": "NAME_OF_THE_PARTITION"}
Do you know if this is possible to use this solution when the Data Group is located in a partition other than Common?
Kind Regards
// M
- JRahmAdmin
nice! I'll test 12.1, 15.1 and 16.1 and then call it good. I appreciate you!
- ashkCirrus
Okay, seems this one is using options to add, but I read its using tmsh commands to fulfil the same. but when we migrate to NEXT there would be no TMSH, what would be the best way to achieve to add a name and data to a data-group using iControl REST API?
- JRahmAdmin
there won't be an iControl REST as is in BIG-IP Next. Data-groups are not yet supported in Next, when those are added we'll have a better idea on how it will be supported, whether those will be expected to be part of the application declaration or a shared object that is versioned like iRules in CM. If I had to guess, it will be a versioned shared object that can then be deployed/rolled-back, but given the size of some data-groups, there may be incremental diffs supported. Time will tell.
- jba3126Cirrostratus
were you able to confirm the versions? About to test 15.1.3.x.
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