Forum Discussion
Aug 03, 2023add /browerWeb Extension after domain name
Dear Expert , i get requirement from my team on LTM irule as below : when we input url : , F5 LTM will redirect to and if they click get inside...
- Aug 03, 2023
Nompang Button clicks should be handled on the website rather than the F5. They can make it so when the button "get" is clicked it sends a redirect path to them. This doesn't seem like it should occur on the F5 at all. Same goes for the first redirect. If they must perform the first redirect on the F5 you can do the following.
when HTTP_REQUEST priority 500 { if{ ([HTTP::host] == "") && ([string tolower [HTTP::uri]] == "/") } { HTTP::redirect "" } }
Aug 28, 2023Nompang - If your post was solved it would be helpful to the community to select *Accept As Solution*.
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