Forum Discussion

Yossi_100623's avatar
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May 12, 2014

201 TMOS administration exam

Hello Kevin,


I hope that you are doing well.


I would like your advise with regards to the exam.


I know that there are several resources for learning for the exam: blog and LinkedIn , f5 university for example.


Where i can find a concentrate troubleshooting scenarios, since most of the exam questions are how to act in case of...


The problem is that mostly i have experience with APM module less ltm and this is a drawback.


I appreciate if you can provide your opinion and reference me to appropriate resources.


Thanks for your time




  • Hello Yossi, I would suggest you to download a trial virtual edition of ltm and practice different scenarios using the dev central posts. There are lot of novice users like me asking questions for troubleshooting. You can try to replicate them in your lab.


  • Hi Domai,


    Thanks for your quick answer.


    Generally of speaking you are correct , however as one with experience with the 201 exam, there are a lot of TS scenarios.


    The question if there is a bulk of scenarios that are concentrated like HA , Upgrade EM ro just pinpoint from searching.



