234 TopicsTrigger js challenge/Captcha for ip reputation/ip intelligence categories
Problem solved by this Code Snippet Because some ISP or cloud providers do not monitor their users a lot of times client ip addresses are marked as "spam sources" or "windows exploits" and as the ip addresses are dynamic and after time a legitimate user can use this ip addresses the categories are often stopped in the IP intelligence profile or under the ASM/AWAF policy. To still make use of this categories the users coming from those ip addresses can be forced to solve captcha checks or at least to be checked for javascript support! How to use this Code Snippet Have AWAF/ASM and ip intelligence licensed Add AWAF/ASM policy with irule support option (by default not enabled under the policy) or/and Bot profile under the Virtual server Optionally add IP intelligence profile or enable the Ip intelligence under the WAF policy without the categories that cause a lot of false positives, Add the irule and if needed modify the categories for which it triggers Code Snippet Meta Information Version: 17.1.3 Coding Language: TCL Code You can find the code and further documentation in my GitHub repository: reputation-javascript-captcha-challlenge/ at main · Nikoolayy1/reputation-javascript-captcha-challlenge when HTTP_REQUEST { # Take the ip address for ip reputation/intelligence check from the XFF header if it comes from the whitelisted source ip addresses in data group "client_ip_class" if { [HTTP::header exists "X-Forwarded-For"] && [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "/Common/client_ip_class"] } { set trueIP [HTTP::header "X-Forwarded-For"] } else { set trueIP [IP::client_addr] } # Check if IP reputation is triggered and it is containing "Spam Sources" if { ([llength [IP::reputation $trueIP]] != 0) && ([IP::reputation $trueIP] contains "Spam Sources") }{ log local0. "The category is [IP::reputation $trueIP] from [IP::client_addr]" # Set the variable 1 or bulean true as to trigger ASM captcha or bot defense javascript set js_ch 1 } else { set js_ch 0 } # Custom response page just for testing if there is no real backend origin server for testing if {!$js_ch} { HTTP::respond 200 content { <html> <head> <title>Apology Page</title> </head> <body> We are sorry, but the site you are looking for is temporarily out of service<br> If you feel you have reached this page in error, please try again. </body> </html> } } } # when BOTDEFENSE_ACTION { # Trigger bot defense action javascript check for Spam Sources # if {$js_ch}{ # BOTDEFENSE::action browser_challenge # } # } when ASM_REQUEST_DONE { # Trigger ASM captcha check only for users comming from Spam sources that have not already passed the captcha check (don't have the captcha cookie) if {$js_ch && [ASM::captcha_status] ne "correct"} { set res [ASM::captcha] if {$res ne "ok"} { log local0. "Cannot send captcha_challenge: \"$res\"" } } }23Views1like1CommentBash script to check if you have a SIP profile attached to a Virtual Server (CVE-2023-22842)
Code is community submitted, community supported, and recognized as ‘Use At Your Own Risk’. Short Description Generate a CSV report to know which virtual servers have a SIP profile attached. Problem solved by this Code Snippet This is to shorten the time to investigate for CVE-2023-22842 for example. How to use this Code Snippet On bash prompt: # vi Paste the script (see and copy below) Save the file :wq! change permission # chmod 777 Run the script: # ./ The output will be a CSV file under /var/tmp/sip-mapped-to-virtuals-output.csv To check the output: [admin@bigip:Active:Standalone] ~ # cat /var/tmp/sip-mapped-to-virtuals-output.csv Virtual Server, SIP Profile VS_SIP,sip VS_MRP,sip_mrp Code Snippet Meta Information Full Code Snippet #!/bin/bash echo "Virtual Server, SIP Profile" > /var/tmp/sip_profile_map_to_virtual.csv profile_names=`tmsh list ltm profile sip one-line | awk -F" " '{print $4}'` for x in ${profile_names} do virtual_name=`tmsh list ltm virtual one-line | grep -w $x | awk -F" " '{print $3}'` if [ "${virtual_name}" != "" ] then for y in ${virtual_name} do echo "$y,$x" >> /var/tmp/sip_profile_map_to_virtual.csv done fi done566Views2likes2CommentsExport Virtual Server Configuration in CSV - tmsh cli script
Problem this snippet solves: This is a simple cli script used to collect all the virtuals name, its VIP details, Pool names, members, all Profiles, Irules, persistence associated to each, in all partitions. A sample output would be like below, One can customize the code to extract other fields available too. The same logic can be allowed to pull information's from profiles stats, certificates etc. Update: 5th Oct 2020 Added Pool members capture in the code. After the Pool-Name, Pool-Members column will be found. If a pool does not have members - field not present: "members" will shown in the respective Pool-Members column. If a pool itself is not bound to the VS, then Pool-Name, Pool-Members will have none in the respective columns. Update: 21st Jan 2021 Added logic to look for multiple partitions & collect configs Update: 12th Feb 2021 Added logic to add persistence to sheet. Update: 26th May 2021 Added logic to add state & status to sheet. Update: 24th Oct 2023 Added logic to add hostname, Pool Status, Total-Connections & Current-Connections. Note: The codeshare has multiple version, use the latest version alone. The reason to keep the other versions is for end users to understand & compare, thus helping them to modify to their own requirements. Hope it helps. How to use this snippet: Login to the LTM, create your script by running the below commands and paste the code provided in snippet tmsh create cli script virtual-details So when you list it, it should look something like below, [admin@labltm:Active:Standalone] ~ # tmsh list cli script virtual-details cli script virtual-details { proc script::run {} { puts "Virtual Server,Destination,Pool-Name,Profiles,Rules" foreach { obj } [tmsh::get_config ltm virtual all-properties] { set profiles [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "profiles"] set remprof [regsub -all {\n} [regsub -all " context" [join $profiles "\n"] "context"] " "] set profilelist [regsub -all "profiles " $remprof ""] puts "[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "pool"],$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"]" } } total-signing-status not-all-signed } [admin@labltm:Active:Standalone] ~ # And you can run the script like below, tmsh run cli script virtual-details > /var/tmp/virtual-details.csv And get the output from the saved file, cat /var/tmp/virtual-details.csv Old Codes: cli script virtual-details { proc script::run {} { puts "Virtual Server,Destination,Pool-Name,Profiles,Rules" foreach { obj } [tmsh::get_config ltm virtual all-properties] { set profiles [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "profiles"] set remprof [regsub -all {\n} [regsub -all " context" [join $profiles "\n"] "context"] " "] set profilelist [regsub -all "profiles " $remprof ""] puts "[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "pool"],$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"]" } } total-signing-status not-all-signed } ###=================================================== ###2.0 ###UPDATED CODE BELOW ### DO NOT MIX ABOVE CODE & BELOW CODE TOGETHER ###=================================================== cli script virtual-details { proc script::run {} { puts "Virtual Server,Destination,Pool-Name,Pool-Members,Profiles,Rules" foreach { obj } [tmsh::get_config ltm virtual all-properties] { set poolname [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "pool"] set profiles [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "profiles"] set remprof [regsub -all {\n} [regsub -all " context" [join $profiles "\n"] "context"] " "] set profilelist [regsub -all "profiles " $remprof ""] if { $poolname != "none" }{ set poolconfig [tmsh::get_config /ltm pool $poolname] foreach poolinfo $poolconfig { if { [catch { set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ]} err] } { set pool_member $err puts "[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"]" } else { set pool_member "" set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ] foreach member $member_name { append pool_member "[lindex $member 1] " } puts "[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"]" } } } else { puts "[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,none,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"]" } } } total-signing-status not-all-signed } ###=================================================== ### Version 3.0 ### UPDATED CODE BELOW FOR MULTIPLE PARTITION ### DO NOT MIX ABOVE CODE & BELOW CODE TOGETHER ###=================================================== cli script virtual-details { proc script::run {} { puts "Partition,Virtual Server,Destination,Pool-Name,Pool-Members,Profiles,Rules" foreach all_partitions [tmsh::get_config auth partition] { set partition "[lindex [split $all_partitions " "] 2]" tmsh::cd /$partition foreach { obj } [tmsh::get_config ltm virtual all-properties] { set poolname [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "pool"] set profiles [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "profiles"] set remprof [regsub -all {\n} [regsub -all " context" [join $profiles "\n"] "context"] " "] set profilelist [regsub -all "profiles " $remprof ""] if { $poolname != "none" }{ set poolconfig [tmsh::get_config /ltm pool $poolname] foreach poolinfo $poolconfig { if { [catch { set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ]} err] } { set pool_member $err puts "$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"]" } else { set pool_member "" set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ] foreach member $member_name { append pool_member "[lindex $member 1] " } puts "$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"]" } } } else { puts "$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,none,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"]" } } } } total-signing-status not-all-signed } ###=================================================== ### Version 4.0 ### UPDATED CODE BELOW FOR CAPTURING PERSISTENCE ### DO NOT MIX ABOVE CODE & BELOW CODE TOGETHER ###=================================================== cli script virtual-details { proc script::run {} { puts "Partition,Virtual Server,Destination,Pool-Name,Pool-Members,Profiles,Rules,Persist" foreach all_partitions [tmsh::get_config auth partition] { set partition "[lindex [split $all_partitions " "] 2]" tmsh::cd /$partition foreach { obj } [tmsh::get_config ltm virtual all-properties] { set poolname [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "pool"] set profiles [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "profiles"] set remprof [regsub -all {\n} [regsub -all " context" [join $profiles "\n"] "context"] " "] set profilelist [regsub -all "profiles " $remprof ""] set persist [lindex [lindex [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "persist"] 0] 1] if { $poolname != "none" }{ set poolconfig [tmsh::get_config /ltm pool $poolname] foreach poolinfo $poolconfig { if { [catch { set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ]} err] } { set pool_member $err puts "$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"],$persist" } else { set pool_member "" set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ] foreach member $member_name { append pool_member "[lindex $member 1] " } puts "$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"],$persist" } } } else { puts "$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,none,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"],$persist" } } } } total-signing-status not-all-signed } ###=================================================== ### 5.0 ### UPDATED CODE BELOW ### DO NOT MIX ABOVE CODE & BELOW CODE TOGETHER ###=================================================== cli script virtual-details { proc script::run {} { puts "Partition,Virtual Server,Destination,Pool-Name,Pool-Members,Profiles,Rules,Persist,Status,State" foreach all_partitions [tmsh::get_config auth partition] { set partition "[lindex [split $all_partitions " "] 2]" tmsh::cd /$partition foreach { obj } [tmsh::get_config ltm virtual all-properties] { foreach { status } [tmsh::get_status ltm virtual [tmsh::get_name $obj]] { set vipstatus [tmsh::get_field_value $status "status.availability-state"] set vipstate [tmsh::get_field_value $status "status.enabled-state"] } set poolname [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "pool"] set profiles [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "profiles"] set remprof [regsub -all {\n} [regsub -all " context" [join $profiles "\n"] "context"] " "] set profilelist [regsub -all "profiles " $remprof ""] set persist [lindex [lindex [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "persist"] 0] 1] if { $poolname != "none" }{ set poolconfig [tmsh::get_config /ltm pool $poolname] foreach poolinfo $poolconfig { if { [catch { set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ]} err] } { set pool_member $err puts "$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"],$persist,$vipstatus,$vipstate" } else { set pool_member "" set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ] foreach member $member_name { append pool_member "[lindex $member 1] " } puts "$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"],$persist,$vipstatus,$vipstate" } } } else { puts "$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,none,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"],$persist,$vipstatus,$vipstate" } } } } total-signing-status not-all-signed } Latest Code: cli script virtual-details { proc script::run {} { set hostconf [tmsh::get_config /sys global-settings hostname] set hostname [tmsh::get_field_value [lindex $hostconf 0] hostname] puts "Hostname,Partition,Virtual Server,Destination,Pool-Name,Pool-Status,Pool-Members,Profiles,Rules,Persist,Status,State,Total-Conn,Current-Conn" foreach all_partitions [tmsh::get_config auth partition] { set partition "[lindex [split $all_partitions " "] 2]" tmsh::cd /$partition foreach { obj } [tmsh::get_config ltm virtual all-properties] { foreach { status } [tmsh::get_status ltm virtual [tmsh::get_name $obj]] { set vipstatus [tmsh::get_field_value $status "status.availability-state"] set vipstate [tmsh::get_field_value $status "status.enabled-state"] set total_conn [tmsh::get_field_value $status "clientside.tot-conns"] set curr_conn [tmsh::get_field_value $status "clientside.cur-conns"] } set poolname [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "pool"] set profiles [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "profiles"] set remprof [regsub -all {\n} [regsub -all " context" [join $profiles "\n"] "context"] " "] set profilelist [regsub -all "profiles " $remprof ""] set persist [lindex [lindex [tmsh::get_field_value $obj "persist"] 0] 1] if { $poolname != "none" }{ foreach { p_status } [tmsh::get_status ltm pool $poolname] { set pool_status [tmsh::get_field_value $p_status "status.availability-state"] } set poolconfig [tmsh::get_config /ltm pool $poolname] foreach poolinfo $poolconfig { if { [catch { set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ]} err] } { set pool_member $err puts "$hostname,$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_status,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"],$persist,$vipstatus,$vipstate,$total_conn,$curr_conn" } else { set pool_member "" set member_name [tmsh::get_field_value $poolinfo "members" ] foreach member $member_name { append pool_member "[lindex $member 1] " } puts "$hostname,$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,$pool_status,$pool_member,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"],$persist,$vipstatus,$vipstate,$total_conn,$curr_conn" } } } else { puts "$hostname,$partition,[tmsh::get_name $obj],[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "destination"],$poolname,none,none,$profilelist,[tmsh::get_field_value $obj "rules"],$persist,$vipstatus,$vipstate,$total_conn,$curr_conn" } } } } } Tested this on version: 13.08.9KViews9likes26CommentsServerside SNI injection iRule
Problem this snippet solves: Hi Folks, the iRule below can be used to inject a TLS SNI extension to the server side based on e.g. HOST-Header values. The iRule is usefull if your pool servers depending on valid SNI records and you don't want to configure dedicated Server SSL Profiles for each single web application. Cheers, Kai How to use this snippet: Attach the iRule to the Virtual Server where you need to insert a TLS SNI expension Tweak the $sni_value variable within the HTTP_REQUEST to meet your requirements or move it to a different event as needed. Make sure you've cleared the "Server Name" option in your Server_SSL_Profile. Code : when HTTP_REQUEST { #Set the SNI value (e.g. HTTP::host) set sni_value [getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1] } when SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO_SEND { # SNI extension record as defined in RFC 3546/3.1 # # - TLS Extension Type = int16( 0 = SNI ) # - TLS Extension Length = int16( $sni_length + 5 byte ) # - SNI Record Length = int16( $sni_length + 3 byte) # - SNI Record Type = int8( 0 = HOST ) # - SNI Record Value Length = int16( $sni_length ) # - SNI Record Value = str( $sni_value ) # # Calculate the length of the SNI value, Compute the SNI Record / TLS extension fields and add the result to the SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO SSL::extensions insert [binary format SSScSa* 0 [expr { [set sni_length [string length $sni_value]] + 5 }] [expr { $sni_length + 3 }] 0 $sni_length $sni_value] } Tested this on version: 12.06.5KViews8likes31CommentsRequest Client Certificate And Pass To Application
Problem this snippet solves: We are using BigIP to dynamically request a client certificate. This example differs from the others available in that it actually passes the x509 certificate to the server for processing using a custom http header. The sequence of event listeners required to accomplish this feat is: HTTP_REQUEST, which invokes CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE, which is followed by HTTP_REQUEST_SEND The reason is that CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE occurs after HTTP_REQUEST event is processed entirely, but HTTP_REQUEST_SEND occurs after it. The certificate appears in PEM encoding and is slightly mangled; you need to emit newlines to get back into proper PEM format: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE------ Mabcdefghj... -----END CERTIFICATE----- This certificate can be converted to DER encoding by jettisoning the BEGIN and END markers and doing base64 decode on the string. Code : # Initialize the variables on new client tcp session. when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set collecting 0 set renegtried 0 } # Runs for each new http request when HTTP_REQUEST { # /_hst name and ?_hst=1 parameter triggers client cert renegotiation if { $renegtried == 0 and [SSL::cert count] == 0 and ([HTTP::uri] matches_regex {^[^?]*/_hst(\?|/|$)} or [HTTP::uri] matches_regex {[?&]_hst=1(&|$)}) } { # Collecting means buffering the request. The collection goes on # until SSL::renegotiate occurs, which happens after the HTTP # request has been received. The maximum data buffered by collect # is 1-4 MB. HTTP::collect set collecting 1 SSL::cert mode request SSL::renegotiate } } # After a handshake, we log that we have tried it. This is to prevent # constant attempts to renegotiate the SSL session. I'm not sure of this # feature; this may in fact be a mistake, but we can change it at any time. # It is transparent if we do: the connections only work slower. It would, # however, make BigIP detect inserted smartcards immediately. Right answer # depends on the way the feature is used by applications. when CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE { if { $collecting == 1 } { set renegtried 1 # Release allows the request processing to occur normally from this # point forwards. The next event to fire is HTTP_REQUEST_SEND. HTTP::release } } # Inject headers based on earlier renegotiations, if any. when HTTP_REQUEST_SEND { clientside { # Security: reject any user-submitted headers by our magic names. HTTP::header remove "X-ENV-SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE" HTTP::header remove "X-ENV-SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FAILED" # if certificate is available, send it. Otherwise, send a header # indicating a failure, if we have already attempted a renegotiate. if { [SSL::cert count] > 0 } { HTTP::header insert "X-ENV-SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE" [X509::whole [SSL::cert 0]] } elseif { $renegtried == 1 } { # This header has some debug value: if the FAILED header is not # present, BigIP is probably not configured to do client certs # at all. HTTP::header insert "X-ENV-SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FAILED" "true" } } }1.7KViews1like3CommentsBlock IP Addresses With Data Group And Log Requests On ASM Event Log
Problem this snippet solves: This is Irule which will block IP Addresses that are not allowed in your organization. instead of adding each IP Address in Security ›› Application Security : IP Addresses : IP Address Exceptions you can create a data group and use a simple IRULE to block hundreds of Addressess. Also,createing a unique signature to specify the request of the illigile IP Address. First, You will need to create Data Group under Local Traffic ›› iRules : Data Group List and add your illigile IP Addresses to the list. If you have hundreds of IP's that you want to block, you can to it in TMSH using this command: TMSH/modify ltm data-group internal <Data-Group-Name> { records add {IP-ADDRESS} } Now, We are ready to create the IRULE under Local Traffic ›› iRules : iRule List Last, Create violation list under Security ›› Options : Application Security : Advanced Configuration : Violations List Create -> Name:Illegal_IP_Address -> Type:Access Violation -> Severity:Critical -> Update Don't forgat to enable trigger ASM IRULE events with "Normal Mode" How to use this snippet: Code : when HTTP_REQUEST { set reqBlock 0 if { [class match [IP::remote_addr] equals ] } { set reqBlock 1 # log local0. "HTTP_REQUEST [IP::client_addr]" } } when ASM_REQUEST_DONE { if { $reqBlock == 1} { ASM::raise "Illegal_IP_Address" # log local0. "ASM_REQUEST_DONE [IP::client_addr]" } } Tested this on version: 13.01.6KViews1like5CommentsFormat objectGUID attribute from hexadecimal to bindable string (hyphen-separated format)
Code is community submitted, community supported, and recognized as ‘Use At Your Own Risk’. Short Description Format objectGUID attribute from hexadecimal to bindable string (hyphen-separated format) Problem solved by this Code Snippet Claims recipients might require an Active Directory objectGUID to be represented as a bindable string (hyphen seperated format). The code snippet will help you to format the received objectGUID attribute from Active Directory from hexadecimal format "0xDE96F75DA1E135438C0F229A952D1432" to bindable string format "5df796de-e1a1-4335-8c0f-229a952d1432" How to use this Code Snippet In the VPE: add a "Variable Assign" item after the "AD Query" or "LDAP Query" used to get the "objectGUID" attribute in the left-side choose "custom variable" and choose a variable name. For example "session.sso.token.custom.formatedObjectGUID" in the righ-side choose "custom expression" and paste the code below Code Snippet Meta Information Version:1.0 Coding Language:TCL Full Code Snippet set hexGUID [mcget {}] set substr1 "[string range $hexGUID 8 9][string range $hexGUID 6 7][string range $hexGUID 4 5][string range $hexGUID 2 3]" set substr2 "[string range $hexGUID 12 13][string range $hexGUID 10 11]" set substr3 "[string range $hexGUID 16 17][string range $hexGUID 14 15]" set substr4 "[string range $hexGUID 18 21]" set substr5 "[string range $hexGUID 22 33]" return "[string tolower "$substr1-$substr2-$substr3-$substr4-$substr5"]"32Views0likes0CommentsPOC: Create and sign a JWT with iRule
Code is community submitted, community supported, and recognized as ‘Use At Your Own Risk’. Short Description This snippet creates and signes a JWT. Signing algorithm is RS256. Problem solved by this Code Snippet This is a simple way to create a valid JWT for testing purposes. How to use this Code Snippet Add a private key Assign it to a VS and request "/jwt" to get a signed token Code Snippet Meta Information Version: POC Coding Language: TCL Full Code Snippet Validate JWT with iRule
Code is community submitted, community supported, and recognized as ‘Use At Your Own Risk’. Short Description This is a proof of concept iRule to decode and validate a JWT submitted in the HTTP Authorization header. It supports only JWT's signed with RS256 and was roughly tested with Azure, Okta and ADFS tokens. It is not designed for production usage, especially there are more checks required to comply with Problem solved by this Code Snippet Decode and validate a JWT with an iRule. How to use this Code Snippet Attach it to a VS and adapt the public key(s) and key id(s). Code Snippet Meta Information Version: POC Coding Language: iRule Full Code Snippet