450 TopicsTrigger js challenge/Captcha for ip reputation/ip intelligence categories
Problem solved by this Code Snippet Because some ISP or cloud providers do not monitor their users a lot of times client ip addresses are marked as "spam sources" or "windows exploits" and as the ip addresses are dynamic and after time a legitimate user can use this ip addresses the categories are often stopped in the IP intelligence profile or under the ASM/AWAF policy. To still make use of this categories the users coming from those ip addresses can be forced to solve captcha checks or at least to be checked for javascript support! How to use this Code Snippet Have AWAF/ASM and ip intelligence licensed Add AWAF/ASM policy with irule support option (by default not enabled under the policy) or/and Bot profile under the Virtual server Optionally add IP intelligence profile or enable the Ip intelligence under the WAF policy without the categories that cause a lot of false positives, Add the irule and if needed modify the categories for which it triggers Do not forget to first create the data group, used in the code or delete that part of the code and to uncomment the Bot part of the code, if you plan to do js check and not captcha and maybe comment the captcha part ! Code Snippet Meta Information Version: 17.1.3 Coding Language: TCL Code You can find the code and further documentation in my GitHub repository: reputation-javascript-captcha-challlenge/ at main · Nikoolayy1/reputation-javascript-captcha-challlenge when HTTP_REQUEST { # Take the ip address for ip reputation/intelligence check from the XFF header if it comes from the whitelisted source ip addresses in data group "client_ip_class" if { [HTTP::header exists "X-Forwarded-For"] && [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "/Common/client_ip_class"] } { set trueIP [HTTP::header "X-Forwarded-For"] } else { set trueIP [IP::client_addr] } # Check if IP reputation is triggered and it is containing "Spam Sources" if { ([llength [IP::reputation $trueIP]] != 0) && ([IP::reputation $trueIP] contains "Spam Sources") }{ log local0. "The category is [IP::reputation $trueIP] from [IP::client_addr]" # Set the variable 1 or bulean true as to trigger ASM captcha or bot defense javascript set js_ch 1 } else { set js_ch 0 } # Custom response page just for testing if there is no real backend origin server for testing if {!$js_ch} { HTTP::respond 200 content { <html> <head> <title>Apology Page</title> </head> <body> We are sorry, but the site you are looking for is temporarily out of service<br> If you feel you have reached this page in error, please try again. </body> </html> } } } # when BOTDEFENSE_ACTION { # Trigger bot defense action javascript check for Spam Sources # if {$js_ch && (not ([BOTDEFENSE::reason] starts_with "passed browser challenge")) && ([BOTDEFENSE::action] eq "allow") }{ # BOTDEFENSE::action browser_challenge # } # } when ASM_REQUEST_DONE { # Trigger ASM captcha check only for users comming from Spam sources that have not already passed the captcha check (don't have the captcha cookie) if {$js_ch && [ASM::captcha_status] ne "correct"} { set res [ASM::captcha] if {$res ne "ok"} { log local0. "Cannot send captcha_challenge: \"$res\"" } } } Extra References: BOTDEFENSE::action ASM::captcha ASM::captcha_status50Views1like1CommentRequest Client Certificate And Pass To Application
Problem this snippet solves: We are using BigIP to dynamically request a client certificate. This example differs from the others available in that it actually passes the x509 certificate to the server for processing using a custom http header. The sequence of event listeners required to accomplish this feat is: HTTP_REQUEST, which invokes CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE, which is followed by HTTP_REQUEST_SEND The reason is that CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE occurs after HTTP_REQUEST event is processed entirely, but HTTP_REQUEST_SEND occurs after it. The certificate appears in PEM encoding and is slightly mangled; you need to emit newlines to get back into proper PEM format: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE------ Mabcdefghj... -----END CERTIFICATE----- This certificate can be converted to DER encoding by jettisoning the BEGIN and END markers and doing base64 decode on the string. Code : # Initialize the variables on new client tcp session. when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set collecting 0 set renegtried 0 } # Runs for each new http request when HTTP_REQUEST { # /_hst name and ?_hst=1 parameter triggers client cert renegotiation if { $renegtried == 0 and [SSL::cert count] == 0 and ([HTTP::uri] matches_regex {^[^?]*/_hst(\?|/|$)} or [HTTP::uri] matches_regex {[?&]_hst=1(&|$)}) } { # Collecting means buffering the request. The collection goes on # until SSL::renegotiate occurs, which happens after the HTTP # request has been received. The maximum data buffered by collect # is 1-4 MB. HTTP::collect set collecting 1 SSL::cert mode request SSL::renegotiate } } # After a handshake, we log that we have tried it. This is to prevent # constant attempts to renegotiate the SSL session. I'm not sure of this # feature; this may in fact be a mistake, but we can change it at any time. # It is transparent if we do: the connections only work slower. It would, # however, make BigIP detect inserted smartcards immediately. Right answer # depends on the way the feature is used by applications. when CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE { if { $collecting == 1 } { set renegtried 1 # Release allows the request processing to occur normally from this # point forwards. The next event to fire is HTTP_REQUEST_SEND. HTTP::release } } # Inject headers based on earlier renegotiations, if any. when HTTP_REQUEST_SEND { clientside { # Security: reject any user-submitted headers by our magic names. HTTP::header remove "X-ENV-SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE" HTTP::header remove "X-ENV-SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FAILED" # if certificate is available, send it. Otherwise, send a header # indicating a failure, if we have already attempted a renegotiate. if { [SSL::cert count] > 0 } { HTTP::header insert "X-ENV-SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE" [X509::whole [SSL::cert 0]] } elseif { $renegtried == 1 } { # This header has some debug value: if the FAILED header is not # present, BigIP is probably not configured to do client certs # at all. HTTP::header insert "X-ENV-SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_FAILED" "true" } } }1.7KViews1like3CommentsConditional XOR operations
I was working on an iRule that only needed an OR if I didn’t reverse the logic on of them. But when I looked at the original problem, it needed one condition or the other but not both. You can nest conditionals to accomplish this, but I wanted an XOR operator, and Tcl doesn't have one at the string level, only with bitwise operations. So here is what that looks like in a truth table, where A could be an IP address range, B could be a hostname, and Q would be the truth condition. A B Q 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 In an iRule, this would look like this structurally (but you would need to add your comparisons for each A/B variable to whatever makes them true: if { ($a || $b) && !($a && $b) } { # act on the XOR true condition } else { # act on the XOR false condition }71Views0likes0CommentsGTM return LDNS IP to client
Problem this snippet solves: We do a lot of our load balancing based on topology rules, so it's often very useful to know where the DNS request is actually coming from rather than just the client's IP and the DNS servers they have configured. Especially if they're behind an ADSL router doing NAT or some other similar set up. This rule simply returns the IP address of the LDNS that eventually made the query to the GTM device in the response to a lookup for the WideIP using the rule, as well as logging the response and perceived location. Code : rule "DNS_debug" partition "Common" { when DNS_REQUEST { host [IP::client_addr] log local0.err "Debug address : [IP::client_addr] [whereis [IP::client_addr]]" } }882Views1like2CommentsProxy Protocol v2 Initiator
Problem this snippet solves: Proxy Protocol v1 related articles have already been posted on DevCentral, but there is no v2 support iRule code available. A customer wanted to support Proxy Protocol v2, so I wrote an iRule code for supporting v2. Proxy protocol for the BIG-IP ( How to use this snippet: Back-end server must handle Proxy header prior data exchange. Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { # DEBUG On/Off set DEBUG 0 set v2_proxy_header "0d0a0d0a000d0a515549540a" # v2 version and command : 0x21 - version 2 & PROXY command set v2_ver_command "21" # v2 address family and transport protocol : 0x11 - AF_INET (IPv4) & TCP protocol set v2_af_tp "11" # v2 Address Size : 0x000C - 12 bytes for IPv4 + TCP set v2_address_length "000c" # Get TCP port - 2 byte hexadecimal format set src_port [format "%04x" [TCP::client_port]] set dst_port [format "%04x" [TCP::local_port]] # Get Src Address and convert to 4 byte hexadecimal format foreach val [split [IP::client_addr] "."] { append src_addr [format "%02x" $val] } # Get Dst Address and convert to 4 byte hexadecimal format foreach val [split [IP::local_addr] "."] { append dst_addr [format "%02x" $val] } # Build proxy v2 data set proxy_data [binary format H* "${v2_proxy_header}${v2_ver_command}${v2_af_tp}${v2_address_length}${src_addr}${dst_addr}${src_port}${dst_port}"] if { $DEBUG } { binary scan $proxy_data H* proxy_dump log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]_[IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port] - proxy_data dump : $proxy_dump" } } when SERVER_CONNECTED { TCP::respond $proxy_data }384Views2likes0CommentsFQDN nodes in non-default route domains
Problem this snippet solves: Currently there is no support for FQDN nodes in non-default route domains as per Article. With recent increase in cloud deployment, most of the time there is a requirement from F5 to load balance to servers or ELB in the cloud which has FQDN names as those are having dyanamic IP addresses. If you are using route domains in your BIGIP environment then this becomes a challenge. Below iRule script can be used in those scenerios to use F5 to send traffic to FQDN nodes in non-default route domains. How to use this snippet: If FQDN needs to be resolved by your internal DNS, create performance layer 4 VIP (dns_53) load balancing your DNS servers. DNS server can be used directly in the iRule itself, but it would be better to use a VIP to have redundancy. Create iRule and apply to the VIP Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set host [RESOLV::lookup @dns_53 ""] set ip [getfield $host " " 1] node [lindex $ip 0]%<Rd> 443 } Tested this on version: 14.11.4KViews1like3CommentsBlock IP Addresses With Data Group And Log Requests On ASM Event Log
Problem this snippet solves: This is Irule which will block IP Addresses that are not allowed in your organization. instead of adding each IP Address in Security ›› Application Security : IP Addresses : IP Address Exceptions you can create a data group and use a simple IRULE to block hundreds of Addressess. Also,createing a unique signature to specify the request of the illigile IP Address. First, You will need to create Data Group under Local Traffic ›› iRules : Data Group List and add your illigile IP Addresses to the list. If you have hundreds of IP's that you want to block, you can to it in TMSH using this command: TMSH/modify ltm data-group internal <Data-Group-Name> { records add {IP-ADDRESS} } Now, We are ready to create the IRULE under Local Traffic ›› iRules : iRule List Last, Create violation list under Security ›› Options : Application Security : Advanced Configuration : Violations List Create -> Name:Illegal_IP_Address -> Type:Access Violation -> Severity:Critical -> Update Don't forgat to enable trigger ASM IRULE events with "Normal Mode" How to use this snippet: Code : when HTTP_REQUEST { set reqBlock 0 if { [class match [IP::remote_addr] equals ] } { set reqBlock 1 # log local0. "HTTP_REQUEST [IP::client_addr]" } } when ASM_REQUEST_DONE { if { $reqBlock == 1} { ASM::raise "Illegal_IP_Address" # log local0. "ASM_REQUEST_DONE [IP::client_addr]" } } Tested this on version: 13.01.6KViews1like5CommentsDNS Query Name Parsing iRule
Problem this snippet solves: This iRule will extract the DNS Query Name in the absence of a DNS profile being applied to a Virtual Server. How to use this snippet: # This is a shameless rip from an old Devcentral post DNS Hostname Parsing iRule that, to the best of my knowledge, never made it to a Code Share. To use this code, simply apply this to a UDP Virtual Server that processes DNS traffic. (No DNS Profile necessary). Code : when FLOW_INIT { #extract QNAME from QUESTION header #${i} is a sanity check so this logic won't spin on invalid QNAMEs set i 0 #initialize our position in the QNAME parsing and the text QNAME set offset 12 set length 1 set endlength 1 set name "" #/extract QNAME from QUESTION header while {${length} > 0 && ${i} < 10} { #length contains the first part length binary scan [string range [DATAGRAM::udp payload] ${offset} ${offset}]] c foo #make the length an unsigned integer set length [expr {${foo} & 0xff}] if {${length} > 0} { #grab a part and put it in our text QNAME section append name [string range [DATAGRAM::udp payload] [expr {${offset} + 1}] [expr {${offset} + ${length}}]] #Watch the DNS QNAME get built during the loop. Remove the following line for production use. log "BUILDING DNS NAME: [IP::client_addr] queried ${name} offset ${offset} length ${length}" #grab a part and put it in our text QNAME section set offset [expr {${offset} + ${length} +1}] #endlength contains the Last part length binary scan [string range [DATAGRAM::udp payload] ${offset} ${offset}]] c foo #make the length an unsigned integer set endlength [expr {${foo} & 0xff}] if { ${endlength} > 0} { #put a dot between parts like a normal DNS name append name "." } incr i } } #/extract QNAME from QUESTION header #Input the required action here, where "${name}" is the variable that is reviewed for decision making. #Sample action would be a pool statement. The below log statement should be removed for production use. log "FINAL DNS NAME: [IP::client_addr] queried ${name}" } Tested this on version: 12.1690Views2likes1CommentSession Table Export
Problem this snippet solves: This sample goes along with the Tech Tip titled Session Table Exporting With iRules . It creates a mechanism for you to export the data from your session tables for archiving or external reporting. NOTE: This functionality is included in the Session Table Control iRule and is partially rendering here so it has been removed.755Views0likes3CommentsSession Table Control
Problem this snippet solves: This sample goes along with the Tech Tip titled Session Table Control With iRules . It creates an iRules-based HTML application to allow you to view, edit, delete, import, and export your session subtable data. How to use this snippet: Apply to a virtual server with session table entries and you can import/export/edit/delete entries. Code (GitHub gist)1.5KViews0likes5Comments