Session Table Export
Problem this snippet solves:
This sample goes along with the Tech Tip titled Session Table Exporting With iRules . It creates a mechanism for you to export the data from your session tables for archiving or external reporting.
NOTE: This functionality is included in the Session Table Control iRule and is partially rendering here so it has been removed.
Updated Nov 30, 2023
Version 2.0- Sunkwan_Kim_147
Sorry, I can't understand last lines. " //--> " to be " //--> " ??
- Sunkwan_Kim_147
There is one little mistake.
In line 5, "Content" is to be "content" and then It works properly.
Thanks Joe :)
- Arnaud_F_
Very Usefull. Thanks.
Tested on v15.1. I just made the following change on the line 49 :
HTTP::respond 200 Content $csv "Content-Type"
must be replaced by
HTTP::respond 200 content $csv "Content-Type"