Forum Discussion

ksrover's avatar
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Mar 17, 2023

F5 VPN command-line and Windows task scheduler

We have a vendor that requires a connection to their F5 VPN before accessing data.  I have a powershell script to command-line this connection successfully, but when I attempt to run this same script...
  • ksrover's avatar
    Mar 19, 2023

    After some more testing:

    As a regular user with RDP rights (only), executing the PS script itself runs perfectly - connect to F5 VPN, run SFTP commands, move files, disconnect VPN connection.  However, when running this same script in Task Scheduler (as the regular user), the F5 connection is made, but it not usable by any other client (FTP client, browser, etc).  

    I had to change the user the scheduled task was being executed as from the regular user, to a user with administrator rights on the server.  After that, the PS script, run in task scheduler, runs as intended.