Sep 11, 2024Nimbostratus
Yubikey APM and AzureAD question
HEy I'm trying to add the ability to use yubikeys as hardware keys to my Saml/Azureid logins. I saw this doc for how to do it with okta.
Application access using YubiKey Authentication with APM and Okta | DevCentral
I was wondering if their were similar instructions for Azure AD. It seems like the okta integration relies on okta connecter supporting yubikey in v 16.0. We are currently running 16.1.5, but I don't see something similar in the Azure AD connector. I was wondering how other people have done this? Or if their was something I'm missing? We've been able to add yubikeys to ont eh Azure Ad side, but they never show up when we try to use them as a 2nd factor with The BIG IP Edge client.