Forum Discussion

Piotr_Lewandows's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Apr 21, 2015

Wireshark, F5 plugin and missing Low Details


I am playing with Wireshark F5 plugin (great tool!!) and wonder why for some packets F5 Low Detail section is missing. Can't see pattern here.

I used this command to launch Wireshark:

plink.exe -l root -pw pass MGMT ip "tcpdump -w - -s0 -pi 0.0:nnn tcp or udp or icmp" | "c:\Program Files\Wireshark\wireshark.exe" -k -i -

Some packets have all levels, some not. I am using such Wireshark filter to track HTTP session:

(ip.addr eq and ip.addr eq and tcp.port eq 43685 and tcp.port eq 80) or (f5ethtrailer.peeraddr eq and f5ethtrailer.peeraddr eq and f5ethtrailer.peerport eq 43685 and f5ethtrailer.peerport eq 80 and (f5ethtrailer.peeripproto eq 6 or (f5ethtrailer.peeripproto eq 0 and tcp))) - actually it's created by Analyze -> Conversation Filter -> F5 TCP command in Wireshark

Here is capture:

Packet 686 has Low level

but packet 688 not

It happens for other packets but why - any idea?


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