Forum Discussion

Man_Yau's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Dec 16, 2024

F5OS (R-series) changing admin/root password



I have question / observation.


I have have been running F5 R5900 for almost a year now, when i want to change the admin and root password via the GUI or CLI.

The first next attempt to log in, it asking me change again. I also noticed when i change the password, the colomn "last change" in the GUI is empty.


Does any one have the same thing? Is there a way to diable the force changing the password for admin and root account?

  • Hi Man_Yau,

    To disable the forced password change on an F5OS R-series device, you need to access the system settings and modify the user account configuration, specifically by setting the "password expiration" or "password change required" option to "never expire" for the relevant user accounts, usually done through the web UI or CLI depending on your preference; always ensure you have appropriate administrative privileges to make these changes.
    Key points to remember:
    Access the web UI:
    Log in to the F5OS R-series web interface with administrative credentials. 
    Navigate to User Management:
    Go to the section where you manage user accounts, typically found under "System Settings" > "Authentication & Access". 
    Edit User Account:
    Select the specific user account you want to modify and open its properties. 

    Password Settings:
    Look for options related to password expiration or forced password change, like "Password Never Expires" or "Password Change Required" and set it to "Never". 

    Important Considerations:
    Security Implications:
    Disabling forced password changes can reduce security if not properly managed. Consider using other security measures like strong password policies and multi-factor authentication.
    Appliance Mode:
    If your F5OS is in "Appliance Mode," some settings might be restricted, so check if you need to adjust this mode depending on your requirements.


    Please mark it as solved if it helps answer your query.


    Best regards

    F5 Design Engineer

    • Man_Yau's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus


      Thanks for you reply.


      I have checked the settings you have mentioned, but there is no password settings on the F5OS hardware.


      Appliance mode is disabled