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Alen_Ismic_1869's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 30, 2015

Windows 8 VPN Inbox client

I am able to set up VPN with BIG IP Edge application, also with SSL VPN portal, but I am not able to connect with Windows 8.1 Inbox client. I have valid certificate from for domain name, I am using non standard port - 8444 Other configuration are almost default. Situation is like this: - with valid certificate DNAT on public IP with port 8444 - on Juniper firewall to APM portal site to port 443


Case 1: using BIG IP edge client: Everything works fine


Case 2: Using Web browser Firefox - everything works fine


Case 3: Using windows 8.1 Inbox client: Get popup for credentials, if I enter wrong I get message about it, if I enter good crenedtials I get error: Unable to complete VPN connection.


For creating VPN in box connection I use PowerShell with this configuration:


$xml = "8444" $sourceXml=New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument $sourceXml.LoadXml($xml) Add-VpnConnection -Name F5_vpn_port_8444 -ServerAddress Hidden(public fqdn) -SplitTunneling $True -PluginApplicationID F5.vpn.client_cw5n1h2txyewy -CustomConfiguration $sourceXml


  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Can you check the event viewer for messages from the client? I'd check the logs on both the server (/var/log/apm, set accesscontrol to debug) and the client PC (event viewer). I don't know if this NAT situation was explicitly tested, so you may also want to try to use plain port 443 against a test APM VE instance.


    Another thing to keep in mind is that Microsoft is not going to ship this Inbox client with Windows 10, so the only release with it will be Windows 8.1.