Forum Discussion

19 Replies

  • Hi! I'm fresh out of v10 to try this with, but have you considered adding the path to the config file? If it's a v10 the path would be /config/bigip.conf.


    Something like this: port.getSystemConfigSync().save_configuration("/config/partitions/MyPart/bigip.conf", "SAVE_HIGH_LEVEL_CONFIG");




  • Yes, I had try port.getSystemConfigSync().save_configuration("/config/bigip.conf", "SAVE_HIGH_LEVEL_CONFIG"); But It does not work. I only have the trial version of BIG-IP. Thank you a lot~


  • What error message do you get? Have you considered upgrading to a newer version? 10.1.0 is very very old. :)




  • I will write a program which will control the majority of F5's version. The Error Message is "Access Denied: user(ma) does not have access to action (saving configuration)"


  • And you were using the Manager role? Have you tried upgrading the rights to Administrator and using the line I mentioned before?

    port.getSystemConfigSync().save_configuration("/config/partitions/MyPart/bigip.conf", "SAVE_HIGH_LEVEL_CONFIG");


  • It's ok if I use the Administrator or Resource Administrator, but Manager role will be failed. I had try three methods: port.getSystemConfigSync().save_configuration("/config/partitions/MyPart/bigip.conf", "SAVE_HIGH_LEVEL_CONFIG");


    port.getSystemConfigSync().save_configuration("/config/bigip.conf", "SAVE_HIGH_LEVEL_CONFIG");


    port.getSystemConfigSync().save_configuration("", "SAVE_HIGH_LEVEL_CONFIG");


    It seems to be ignore the filename parameter. The Error Message is the same.


  • Ok, then it seems like that the manager role is not allowed to save config over iControl. Not sure if there's anything else I can do here. :(

