What happens when a licensed F5 VE instance was restarted by hypervisor?
Assuming I have one Vmware F5 instance running on host 1. It was licensed, configured and running. However, a host 1 failure caused hypervisor to restart my F5 instance onto host 2. Will this F5 instance be able to boot up because in the beginning the 'fingerprint' or 'dossier' was tied to host 1?
Is this the right solution to the above problem? - Adding more interfaces into F5 VE? https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K12149
I haven't encountered any issues here with the VE as long as you only migrate the instance via Vmotion. This preserves the hardware information visible within the VM and you won't have any licensing issues.
But if you try to clone / copy the VM, during the copy Process the hardware information will change and you might get a license error.
Their is one article describing the process: K13570: Moving BIG-IP Virtual Edition to a new VMware host may require authorization for license moves