Apr 03, 2021Cirrus
What exactly is a LDNS request destination in GTM?
Happy Easter!
I recently joined a new company that uses the GTM or BigIP DNS. I am doing readings to understand the config. In one of the article (https://techdocs.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_gtm/manuals/product/gtm-lb-configuring-11-6-0/2.html) that explains the order of preference, the GTM will first sort the topology records by the type of LDNS request source, then by the type of destination statement. What is a destination in the LDNS request? Isn't all DNS destination a record of some type (e.g. A, MX, TXT, ...etc)
For example, we have WIPs configured. They have pools that contain Virtual Servers... What is a destination type in this case?