Forum Discussion
Websocket failover by LB_FAILED
We have an application which uses websockets to connect to the server from the client side.
Now in the iRule we have mentioned in HTTP_REQUEST event that for websocket the HTTP::disable will be called and all the connection will be listen on tcp sockets opened from the client side.
If one client is connected to the server 1 with this method, now if that server went down now it will retry to another server by LB_FAILED event. So as in the HTTP_REQUEST we have disabled the HTTP requests the F5 LTM is not retrying it to the new node.
Following is the iRule :
In the iRule you can see we are disabling the HTTP when we receive /api/channel/websocket uri in header. If we don't disable the HTTP the websocket doest not gets created. Now if the one server goes down the request will trigger LB_FAILED event with HTTP as disabled. So the request doest not get to the new node and it fails. Can we have mechanism we can save HTTP headers over the tcp websockets by iRule.
set uri [HTTP::uri]
if { [HTTP::header exists "objectId"] or [string tolower $uri] contains "/api/channel/websocket" }
set orgid [crc32 [HTTP::header objectId]]
set key [expr $orgid % [llength [members -list default_pool]]]
set default_member [lsort [members -list default_pool]]
set channel_member [lsort [members -list channel-pool]]
set gateway_member [lsort [members -list gateway-pool]]
set space_member [lsort [members -list space-pool]]
log "[HTTP::uri]"
if { [string tolower $uri] contains "/api/channel/websocket" }
log "[lindex [lindex $channel_member $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $channel_member $key] 1]"
pool channel-pool member [lindex [lindex $channel_member $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $channel_member $key] 1]
} else {
switch -glob [string tolower $uri] {
"/api/channel*" { pool channel-pool member [lindex [lindex $channel_member $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $channel_member $key] 1] }
"/api/space*" {pool space-pool member [lindex [lindex $space_member $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $space_member $key] 1] }
"/api/gateway*" { pool gateway-pool member [lindex [lindex $gateway_member $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $gateway_member $key] 1] }
default { pool default_pool member [lindex [lindex $default_member $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $default_member $key] 1] }
} elseif { [string tolower $uri] contains "/api/gateway/sendmessage" }
switch [string tolower $uri] {
"/api/gateway/sendmessage" { pool sendmessage-pool }
when LB_FAILED {
set uri [HTTP::uri]
set orgid_new [crc32 [HTTP::header objectId]]
set newkey [expr $orgid_new % [active_members default_pool]]
set default_member_new [lsort [active_members -list default_pool]]
set channel_member_new [lsort [active_members -list channel-pool]]
set gateway_member_new [lsort [active_members -list gateway-pool]]
set space_member_new [lsort [active_members -list space-pool]]
if { [string tolower $uri] contains "/api/channel/websocket" }
log "[HTTP::uri]"
log "[lindex [lindex $channel_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $channel_member_new $key] 1]"
LB::reselect pool channel-pool member [lindex [lindex $channel_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $channel_member_new $key] 1]
} else {
switch -glob [string tolower $uri] {
"/api/channel*" {
log "[lindex [lindex $channel_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $channel_member_new $key] 1]"
LB::reselect pool channel-pool member [lindex [lindex $channel_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $channel_member $key] 1]
"/api/space*" {
log "[lindex [lindex $space_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $space_member_new $key] 1]"
LB::reselect pool space-pool member [lindex [lindex $space_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $space_member_new $key] 1]
"/api/gateway*" {
log "[lindex [lindex $gateway_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $gateway_member_new $key] 1]"
LB::reselect pool gateway-pool member [lindex [lindex $gateway_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $gateway_member_new $key] 1]
default {
log "[lindex [lindex $default_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $default_member_new $key] 1]"
LB::reselect pool default_pool member [lindex [lindex $default_member_new $key] 0] [lindex [lindex $default_member_new $key] 1]
If anybody can provide any help on this?
- Narendra_26827
Can anybody provide any hint for the above? - spark_86682Historic F5 AccountI don't know anything about websockets, or how they work, or why the HTTP filter interferes with them (which to me is scary and bad; are they using another dreaded almost-but-not-quite-HTTP protocol?), and I can't quite follow your question. I *think* you're trying to resstablish a websocket to a different server when the original server goes down.
- Narendra_26827
Yes you are right, I want to reestablish websocket connection to different server. Can you provide any sample iRule using TCP:: for retrying to different node in the pool, so that i can construct my iRule on the basis of that. - fujisen
Hi Narendra, did you get around scripting it, I'm really interested to see how it worked, please post if you could, thanks. - Narendra_26827
Hi fujisen,
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