Forum Discussion

Hikmat_385212's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 06, 2019

WAF License and Deployement

I am new at F5 and I m going to implement F5 WAF only. Before the question, excuse me if I write inadmissible thoughts) So I d like to know Which licenses do I need to activate WAF? Besides it, af...
  • AMiles_377865's avatar
    Mar 06, 2019

    Hi Hikmat,


    The F5 WAF, or ASM, as they like to call it, can be purchased either as a standalone or as part of the "Best" license.


    You don't need any other license to operate the Big-IP as a reverse-proxy; it will serve as a full or half proxy based on network configuration, not licensing.


    In order to perform https-to-https redirection, or ssl bridging, you would just need to apply an http profile, and two different ssl profiles, a client ssl profile and a server ssl profile.


    That being said, it would probably be best to speak with a sales engineer before making a purchasing decision. They can take a look at your network needs and help find the right product for you.


    Best of luck,

