Forum Discussion

Old-Greg-MD's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 17, 2017

Viprion and Cisco Nexus vPC

Referring to this article on interfacing a BigIP with 2 cisco switches using vPC. This specifically identifies a BigIP and Cisco 7000 switches.


My question is, can this be done on a Viprion up against 5000 switches? I believe they support vPC as well. My thought is a QSFP left bundled, 2 breakout 10Gb iints connected to sw1 and the other 2 connected to sw2. The rest of the document should be relative to the config of the LACP on both ends.


Has anyone done this before? Pros/Cons vs connecting chassis1/blade1 to sw1 and chassis2/blade2 to sw2? My thought here is that if we lose a switch, I won't necessarily fail my guest over to the other chassis/blade, I would just lose half of my bandwidth until the switch came back up. Not sure which is a better design, thoughts/suggestions appreciated.


  • I have utilized a pair of N3K (sw1, sw2) connecting to Viprion chassis to form a common VPC. Viprion has 2 * 10G lacp connectivity to sw1 and another 2 * 10G lacp connectivity to sw2 for a total of 2 port-channels from Viprion chassis that exists as a single VPC. Hope that explains the connectivity.