Forum Discussion

Livius's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 14, 2018

VIP listening on a port range



I have the following scenario.


F5: VIP with port range UDP 60007-60029 Pools : same members, with same port range 6007-60029 UDP mapped as follows:


VIP1 : IP1:60007 - POOL : members:60007


VIP1 : IP1:60008 - POOL : members:60008


Since there is a lot of redundancy in this configuration I would like to find a way of reducing the config overhead. Such as configuring an "any" port in the Virtual Server, then directing each request to a certain pool based on VS port. Any other suggestions?


  • Hi I think is a good way.

    You can create just one VS with a wildcard port (your pool memeber have to be set in wildcard port too).

    If you set a monitor you have to set it in transparent mode.

    And create an irule in order to authorize the intended port...

        if { [TCP::local_port] >= 60007 && [TCP::local_port] <= 60029 } { 
             do nothing
        } else { 
  • Hi,


    Best configuration when you create a virtual server listening on any port is to configure too the pool members with any port.


    The client side destination port will be used for the server side destination port.