Forum Discussion

danjerman_19651's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 09, 2010

v9.4.5 external monitor not running




I'm having issues running an external monitor. The code has been copied over from a v4 box and the paths and syntax amended to try and make it work with v9. I didn't write the original script.



The script runs from the command line ok but I don't see it running on the box when configured as a node monitor. The pid file doesn't get created and neither do I see it running when doing a ps. On the v4 box, I constantly see the pid files coming and going as the monitor runs and the processes in ps.




The script :






use Socket;



The script prints something if finds the word "Available" in the page /test/status.html


It takes the hostname as the only parameter



sub open_TCP




get parameters


my ($FS, $ipvalue, $port, $poolname) = @_;



my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');


socket($FS, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto);


my $sin = sockaddr_in($port,inet_aton($ipvalue));


connect($FS,$sin) || return undef;



my $old_fh = select($FS);


$| = 1; don't buffer output











`kill -9 `cat $pidfile` > /dev/null 2>&1`;



$ipvalue = $ARGV[0];


$port = $ARGV[1];


$poolname = $ARGV[2];







if (open_TCP(F, $ipvalue, 80) == undef)




`/bin/bigpipe pool $poolname member $ipvalue:$port down`;


`/bin/touch $statefile`;










if ( -e $statefile )




`/bin/bigpipe pool $poolname member $ipvalue:$port up`;


`rm -f $statefile`;





send the GET method with / as a parameter


print F "GET /test/status.html\n\n";




get the response







if($return_line =~ /Available/)












print "$available\n";






print "it is up\n";


`/bin/bigpipe pool $poolname member $ipvalue:$port session enable`;








`/bin/bigpipe pool $poolname member $ipvalue:$port session disable`;








When I run it from the command line, I get this :



./ x.x.x.x 80 v9poolname




it is up




I have chmod'd the file to 777 so it is executable but i just dont see anything occurring on the box when it is applied.



Any assistance will be gratefully received. I am using 9.4.5 build 1086.1







  • I briefly looked at the script, it seems like it just checks node's port 80. Can you try this new http monitor and assign it to the pool?



    [root@ltm] config b monitor newMonitor '{ \


    defaults from http \


    recv "Available" \


    send "GET /test/status.html HTTP/1.1\r\n" \






    Make sure the node is not disabled.