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chungyu_16122's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Jun 11, 2015

Using APM to authenticate to Windows AD with a UPN that is different then our domain name

Hi all


I am trying to use F5 APM to login into a webtop with Windows AD credentials but when using my UPN = it does not work because our real AD domain is


Without APM, normally a user with UPN logs in and AD does a look up in the GAL and finds out who you are and where you belong. IE is also


So when using my APM webtop, if I login as - all works fine. But if I try - it fails.


I have read a SOL12252: Microsoft Active Directory authentication using UPN may fail if the user's UPN suffix does not match the domain suffix


This sounds like the right way to go, but I can not seem to get it work.


Has anyone had to deal with a similar situation?






  • One solution is to do:


    • AD query to find the user based on UPN and retrieve Samacountname
    • Variable assign to assign ad.last.attr.Samacountname to session.logon.last.username
    • AD Auth
  • In order to support Autodiscovery and Skype for Business authentication to Exchange, I am also trying to to exactly what Stanilas mentions above query AD based on UPN and retrieve the SAMacccountname so I can use SAM account name against LDAP, but then use the UPN in the post to Exchange CAS servers. Is that process in a post here somewhere already?


    • chungyu_16122's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
      Thanks all I have solved the issue by using a LDAP Authentication and a search filter query = (UserPrincipalName=%{session.logon.last.username}) Regards chung
  • In order to support Autodiscovery and Skype for Business authentication to Exchange, I am also trying to to exactly what Stanilas mentions above query AD based on UPN and retrieve the SAMacccountname so I can use SAM account name against LDAP, but then use the UPN in the post to Exchange CAS servers. Is that process in a post here somewhere already?


    • chungyu_16122's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
      Thanks all I have solved the issue by using a LDAP Authentication and a search filter query = (UserPrincipalName=%{session.logon.last.username}) Regards chung
  • Hi I have the same issue and found this article and have it working. I have one question however.


    When the AD Query for UPN fails to find an entry I would like to get back to the logon page. However the fallback from AD Query cannot be wired back to logon page.


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