Forum Discussion

Suresh_Joshi_01's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 19, 2015

Useful Curl commands for F5 LTM

Can someone please provide me the useful curl commands by which i can troubleshoot issues like checking monitor status, Whether the issue in send or receive strings in LB monitors etc.


  • The cURL help is your friend 😉

    curl --help

    Some of the more common options are:

    -v for verbosity
    -k to ignore certificate issues
    -d to issue a POST with POST payload data
    curl -vk -d 'user=admin&password=admin'
    -X to explicitly define the request method
    curl -vkX POST -d 'user=admin&password=admin'

    The -v option is going to your best tool for troubleshooting monitors. You'll of course want to perform captures to see what the monitor is actually sending and receiving, and curl -v will allow you to simulate these requests.