Forum Discussion
Update admin partition
Trying to update my script from v10 to v11 and have trouble with updating admin partition:
In v10, i used the following instructions to select the admin partition I wanted to create some object where the variable $part content the name of my partition:
tmsh::modify cli admin-partitions all-partitions $part
In v11, i try to do it with the following instructions, but I have an error "admin-partitions may only be specified in a config file"
tmsh::modify cli admin-partitions { update-partition $part }
I checked the chapter cli/admin-partitions of the documentation and posts on devcentral but didn't find any solution. Does anybody have an idea?
- Mark_Crosland_2Historic F5 AccountIn V11 partitions are present, but not quite as visible as in prior versions.
- Alscion_68122NimbostratusHi Mark,
- Brent_West_7733Historic F5 AccountIt may be worth noting here that when you are using a TMSH script to create or modify in v11 you can reference them thusly:
- Ariel_Santa_Cr1Historic F5 Account
Can I execute a comand/action on all partitions at the same time? Is there an "ALL" option? I need to remove an irules across 600 partitions and can't find a good way to do it. I'm thinking in remove the actions of the irule to simulate a near zero activity but I would like a more elegant way to do it. (meaning remove the irule from each VS). Thanks
- Brent_West_7733Historic F5 Account
You could use a TMSH script to retrieve a list of partitions, set irulename set tmsh::get_config partitions foreach $partitions { cd $partition tmsh::delete $irulename }
- Brent_West_7733Historic F5 Account
You could use a TMSH script to retrieve a list of partitions, set irulename set tmsh::get_config partitions foreach $partitions { cd $partition tmsh::delete $irulename }
- Ariel_Santa_Cr1Historic F5 AccountThanks Brent, I've been working over the following Jason's script to make it "partitions aware" using the commands you recommended. Unfortunately there's somthing still missing in the code, but Jason is helping me to troubleshoot the issue. Hope to have it ready later today.
- Phil_Wedel_7401NimbostratusHate to revive an old thread... but did you get the script working across partitions? Trying to deploy an iRule for the new Bash shell exploit.
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