Apr 17, 2012Nimbostratus
Universal Persistence Issue
Hello,switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/api/channel*" { pool "umps-gus1-chan-pool" persist uie [HTTP::header "orgId"] 300 } "/api/presence*" { pool "umps-gus1-prsn-pool" persist uie [HTTP::header "orgId"] 300 } default { pool "umps-gus1-nginx-pool" } } }
We have an custom iRule in which we are doing universal persistence on the value present in the http header.
The iRule is :
As per the theory persistence record should be maintained based upon the value of orgId in the http header with timeout of 300 seconds.
But we are seeing that some of the requests about ~25% are not getting sticked to one node and they are gettting load balanced to other nodes.
Is there any thing which we are doing wrong here? Our intention is to have orgId value persistence record should be sticked to only node in the above pools (chan and prsn).
Can anybody help?