Units of AVR basic data?
Please refer to below webpage.
Exporting data from AVR (f5.com)
This article has AVR basic data in the below format:
{ "hostname": "telemetry-bigip-14-0.localhost", "errdefs_msgno": "22282286", "Entity": "SystemMonitor", "AggrInterval": "30", "EOCTimestamp": "1555572150", "HitCount": "1", "SlotId": "0", "CpuHealth": "54", "AvgCpu": "5487", "AvgCpuDataPlane": "0", "AvgCpuControlPlane": "0", "AvgCpuAnalysisPlane": "0", "MaxCpu": "5487", "MemoryHealth": "53", "AvgMemory": "5343", "ThroughputHealth": "0", "TotalBytes": "0", "AvgThroughput": "0", "ConcurrentConnectionsHealth": "0", "AvgConcurrentConnections": "0", "MaxConcurrentConnections": "0", "telemetryEventCategory": "AVR" }
Can someone please tell the Units of data i have put in bold text above like AvgCpu, CpuHealth, Memory Health and AvgMemory. For eg. what does AvgCpu = 5487 mean?
what are its units?
Hi pradeep_kumar1 ,
I recommend something for avgCPU/MAXCPU :
While collecting the above statistics ,
Navigate this tab :
Statistics >> Analystics >> Choose CPU .
you will see cpu graph contains CPU in percentage % .
For the Example Above " AvgCpu = 5487"
I believe that this number should be normalized to ( 54.87 % ) and this should be the CPU percentage.
If you looked at "HealthCPU=54" and so on.
AVR analytics CPU Values is the the total avarage of CPU per Cores.
If you configured a publisher for AVR basic Data , you can test it and compare the received values of Avgcpu with the one on bigip ( Statistics >> Analystics >> Choose CPU .) you should find both of values equal but with normalizing AvgCpu to percentage %.
Please test it and keep me updated to add this in my info.