Forum Discussion

VictorC's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 27, 2021

Unable to see IP address of virtual server in tmsh cli mode.


I'm trying to find the setting that will show the IP address when I'm in TMSH CLI shell, where if I type something like "list /ltm virtual __" it will show the IP address. Instead it shows me the DNS hostname, making it tough for me to search all the virtual servers by IP.


Earlier I had to run this to see service numbers instead of names:

tmsh modify cli global-settings service number


Can someone help provide the command to show by IP for virtual server? I'm running BIG-IP LTM v15


  • Hi VictorC,

    I think you are asking this:

    modify sys db ui.system.preferences.displayhostnameswhenpossible value false

    on GUI:

    System >> Preferences

    Display Host Names When Possible : uncheck

    • VictorC's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      No, that isn't it. I tried to toggle that option already.