Unable to extract key information from \"/config/filestore/files_d/partition_d/ to /var/system/tmp/t
I am trying to create a csr from an existing key using:
device = bigip.BIGIP(lb,uname,pwd)
csr_created = device.create(f'/mgmt/tm/sys/crypto/csr', csr_o)
where csr is :
csr_o = {'name': f'/{partition_name}/{xl_cert_name}',
'partition': cert.name.split('/')[1],
'adminEmailAddress': email,
'city': cert.city,
'commonName': xl_cert_name,
'country': cert.country,
'emailAddress': email,
'key': key.name,
'organization': cert.organization,
'subjectAlternativeName': cert.subjectAlternativeName,
'sourcePath': f'/config/ssl/ssl.csr/'}
I got the error:
Response Body:
"code": 400,
"message": "Unable to extract key information from \"/config/filestore/files_d/GCMS_PROD_d/certificate_key_d/:GCMS_PROD:gcdocs-gcms.apps.ci.gc.ca_78757_1\"to \"/var/system/tmp/tmsh/U5XCTm/ssl.key//GCMS_PROD/gcdocs-gcms.apps.ci.gc.ca\"",
"errorStack": [],
"apiError": 26214401
Please some can help me to solve this error
Have you tried using the DELETE method on the existing CSR, rather than deleting it using tmsh? The iControlREST API for /tm/sys/crypto/csr appears to support that method.
oh! yes I understood the process.
to Renew the csr and keep the same key and cert, delete the csr and create a new one :
1) delete the old CSR:
csr1 = mgmt.tm.sys.file.ssl_csrs.ssl_csr.load(name=csr_found['name'], partition=partition_name)
csr1.delete()2) create a new one, by specifying the key location
csr = mgmt.tm.util.bash.exec_cmd('run',
utilCmdArgs=f"-c 'tmsh create sys crypto csr /{name[1]}/{name[2]} "
f"admin-email-address \"{email}\" "
f"city \"{cert_found['city']}\" "
f"common-name \"{name[2]}\" "
f"country \"{cert_found['country']}\" "
f"email-address \"{email}\" "
f"key \"{key_found['name']}\" "
f"organization \"{cert_found['organization']}\" "
f"state \"{cert_found['state']}\" "
f"subject-alternative-name \"{cert_found['subjectAlternativeName']}\" "
f"'")Thank you VernonWells