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Ovov's avatar
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Sep 01, 2023

Sync-failover group doesn't sync properly

Hello, I need some help with essential Active/Standby setup where I can't make two nodes to sync data. This is the problem I end up with: "did not receive last sync successfully" VLANs are co...
  • Ovov's avatar
    Sep 02, 2023

    Thank you for the hints! I've followed some actions described in ID882609 , though it wasn't exactly the situation I had. Specifically one of the devices failed to correctly restart tmm: bigstart restart tmm. That started spawning the following message each two seconds: Re-starting mcpd

    I restarted that second device and did tail -f /var/log/tmm on both hosts.

    First device


    Sep 2 13:55:11 bigip2.xx.yyyy notice mcpd[6967]: 01b00004:5: There is an unfinished full sync already being sent for device group /Common/Sync-Failover-Group on connection 0xea1726c8, delaying new sync until current one finishes.


    Second device with sync issues contained end_transaction message timeout


    Sep 2 13:45:10 bigip1.xx.yyyy notice mcpd[7158]: 01070430:5: end_transaction message timeout on connection 0xe685c948 (user %cmi-mcpd-peer-
    Sep 2 13:45:10 bigip1.xx.yyyy notice mcpd[7158]: 01070418:5: connection 0xe685c948 (user %cmi-mcpd-peer- was closed with active requests
    Sep 2 13:45:10 bigip1.xx.yyyy notice mcpd[7158]: 0107143c:5: Connection to CMI peer has been removed
    Sep 2 13:45:10 bigip1.xx.yyyy notice mcpd[7158]: 01071432:5: CMI peer connection established to port 6699 after 0 retries
    Sep 2 13:50:10 bigip1.xx.yyyy notice mcpd[7158]: 01070430:5: end_transaction message timeout on connection 0xe685c948 (user %cmi-mcpd-peer-
    Sep 2 13:50:10 bigip1.xx.yyyy notice mcpd[7158]: 01070418:5: connection 0xe685c948 (user %cmi-mcpd-peer- was closed with active requests
    Sep 2 13:50:10 bigip1.xx.yyyy notice mcpd[7158]: 0107143c:5: Connection to CMI peer has been removed
    Sep 2 13:50:10 bigip1.xx.yyyy notice mcpd[7158]: 01071432:5: CMI peer connection established to port 6699 after 0 retries


    That error message lead me to K25064172 and K10142141 despite I'm not running in AWS, my VmWare Workstation used vmxnet3 driver and I tried to switch to sock as suggested in that KB.

    [root@bigip1:Standby:Not All Devices Synced] config # lspci -nn | grep -i eth
    03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: VMware VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller [15ad:07b0] (rev 01)
    0b:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: VMware VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller [15ad:07b0] (rev 01)
    13:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: VMware VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller [15ad:07b0] (rev 01)
    1b:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: VMware VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller [15ad:07b0] (rev 01)
    [root@bigip1:Standby:Not All Devices Synced] config # tmctl -d blade tmm/device_probed
    pci_bdf pseudo_name type available_drivers driver_in_use
    ------------ ----------- --------- --------------------- -------------
    0000:03:00.0 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock,
    0000:13:00.0 1.2 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock, vmxnet3
    0000:0b:00.0 1.1 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock, vmxnet3
    0000:1b:00.0 1.3 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock, vmxnet3

    The fix for VmWare is

    echo "device driver vendor_dev 15ad:07b0 sock" >> /config/tmm_init.tcl

    And after I have restarted both nodes I saw the desired "In Sync" status.

    What is interesting enough that I got this issue on two separate computers running the same VmWare Workstation version. I also reinstalled three different versions of BigIP and always got the same result. Another crazy thing is that if instead of Sync-Failover I would create Sync-Only group, there were no issues at all. It should be some compatibility issue I think.