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Son_of_Tom_1379's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 15, 2014

SWG Evaluation

Hey There,


We're evaluating the SWG module to see if it fits well in a consolidation piece we're looking to perform. So far the base configuration seems convoluted, when compared with other forward proxy products but I'm persisting.


I'm currently stuck on three key concepts for the configuration:


  • Which certs/keys to use for the SSL client side profile
  • What port to use for the browsers SSL setting
  • How does reporting work

I've followed Chapter 4 - Explicit Forward Proxy - Configuring SWG Explicit Forward Proxy, but it's not very verbose so I'm struggling to understand how this all pieces together.


For the SSL component, which certificate do I use? I've selected just the default certificate and key for now, but that hasn't worked. I've messed around with varying cert pairs etc, to no avail.


The browser port setting maybe a moot point once the certificate is sorted, I've tried the default 8080 I'm using on the HTTP VS, and also 443 (as the HTTPS VS is on 443), but neither work. Again, the issue may well be the certificates.


The last issue is the reporting, I'm sending HTTP traffic through the forward proxy fine, but nothing is showing up in the reporting section.


Hope these are easy questions!




  • In fact, you can do SSL interception with embedded certificates (ex: "default" for F5).


    You have to make sure of two things : - the Certificate is trusted by users, - the certificate is able to sign child certificates (keyring).


    Please find below two links : - generating certificates for SSL interception : - Configuring SSL Forward Proxy on F5 :


9 Replies

  • Update - I have it working... it would have helped if I had typed a passphrase... the second point is moot, it's port 8080 and the tunnel takes care of it. But, I'm receiving an invalid certificate as it's presented from localhost.domain, as I'm using the default, so I'm still trying to figure out what cert I should be using here.
  • Hi,


    You have to use a keering certificate that is trusted (or its Issuer is trusted by users)


    It's a special kind of certificate.






    • Son_of_Tom_1379's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for that Yann, don't suppose you have anything more verbose? This is a certificate type I'm not familiar with. There is an internal PKI infrastructure which we may be able to leverage, I just find it hard to believe it's a requirement as products such as Symantec Web Gateway provide this functionality out of the box.
  • Hi,


    You have to use a keering certificate that is trusted (or its Issuer is trusted by users)


    It's a special kind of certificate.






    • Son_of_Tom_1379's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for that Yann, don't suppose you have anything more verbose? This is a certificate type I'm not familiar with. There is an internal PKI infrastructure which we may be able to leverage, I just find it hard to believe it's a requirement as products such as Symantec Web Gateway provide this functionality out of the box.
  • In fact, you can do SSL interception with embedded certificates (ex: "default" for F5).


    You have to make sure of two things : - the Certificate is trusted by users, - the certificate is able to sign child certificates (keyring).


    Please find below two links : - generating certificates for SSL interception : - Configuring SSL Forward Proxy on F5 :


  • In fact, you can do SSL interception with embedded certificates (ex: "default" for F5).


    You have to make sure of two things : - the Certificate is trusted by users, - the certificate is able to sign child certificates (keyring).


    Please find below two links : - generating certificates for SSL interception : - Configuring SSL Forward Proxy on F5 :