Forum Discussion

Guy_Goodenough_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 17, 2019

Stream/irule to deal with mixed content (http/https)

We have a web server behind a 443 VIP on the F5, with the connection between the F5 and the server unencrypted. As a result, the webserver is including references to javascripts beginning with http:// in the pages it passes to the client. We have the default http > https redirect set up on the VS, but this does not translate the http script references, just uri of the page itself. This causes Chrome, IE, etc to give warnings about insecure content.


I am trying to get around this by setting a stream profile together with an iRule that I found elsewhere on DevCentral. The iRule is as follows:




 Save the requested host value
set host [string tolower [HTTP::host]]

 If the HTTP host header is blank, use the VS IP address
 If the VS IP is not routable for clients, hard code a routable IP
 to replace [IP::local_addr]
if {$host eq ""}{set host [IP::local_addr]}

 Disable the stream filter by default



 Check if response type is text and host isn't null
if {[HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text" and $host ne ""}{

     Replace http://$host with https://$host
    STREAM::expression "@http://$host@https://$host@"

     Enable the stream filter for this response only

 Rewrite the Location header in redirects to https://
if { [HTTP::is_redirect] && [string tolower [HTTP::header Location]] starts_with "http://$host"} {
    HTTP::header replace Location [string map -nocase "http://$host https://$host" [HTTP::header Location]]



When I try to apply this irule to the web server iapp, it returns the message: "STREAM::disable in rule requires an associated STREAM profile on the virtual-server". I have set the stream profile on the virtual server to the default common stream profile, which I believe is supposed to be sufficient, but I still get the same message.


Anyone have any idea what I need to do to get this to work? We are running BIGIP


  • I've tested your iRule and it works fine. Are you sure you didn't forgot to add the stream profile to your virtual server? What does 'tmsh list ltm virtual ' shows?