Forum Discussion

Nik's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Jan 06, 2011

stream find/replace expression with an exclude

hey guys i'm stumped with a find/replace situation. let's say i have these three strings:




"this is a string"


"i am a string"


"this is not a string"




now.. i want to replace "a string" with "a banana" however i do not want to replace "this is not a string"




what i'm doing now is this:




STREAM::expression {@a string@a banana@}







however this replaces the string i don't want. is there any way to exclude something from the expression?


  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Nik,

    You can check what the matched string was using STREAM::match in the STREAM_MATCHED event. However, if you set your STREAM::expression match to "a string" STREAM::match is only going to return 'a string' and you won't know the context of it. You could use a regex to match more of the string. Can you provide a more exact sample of what you do/don't want to match in the content?

    Here's an example of customizing the replacement in STREAM_MATCHED:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        Disable the stream filter for all requests
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {  
        Check if response type is text  
       if {[HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text"}{  
           Match an http://* string and replace it with nothing yet
          STREAM::expression {&http://.*?example\.com&&}
           Enable the stream filter for this response only  
    when STREAM_MATCHED {  
        Check if the matched string meets some condition
       if {[STREAM::match] starts_with "host1"}{
           Replace http:// with https:// and do the replacement
          STREAM::replace "[string map {http:// https://} [STREAM::match]]"
          log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::local_port]: matched: [STREAM::match], replaced with: [string map {http:// https://} [STREAM::match]]"  

  • the problem is i'm breaking internet explorer compatibility with a find/replace that i'm doing. here's a more specific example. again, three different strings:









    now, if i do something like this, it replaces all three domain names with "/" however i only want to replace the second two, not the first since it breaks compatibility with internet explorer:



    STREAM::expression {@}



    using stream_matched might do the job, i was hoping there'd be something a little simpler though.



  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Your post got munged. Can you edit it/reply again with the strings in [ code ] [ code ] blocks?



    Thanks, Aaron
  • the problem is i'm breaking internet explorer compatibility with a find/replace that i'm doing. here's a more specific example. again, three different strings:

    now, if i do something like this, it replaces all three domain names with "/" however i only want to replace the second two, not the first since it breaks compatibility with internet explorer:

    STREAM::expression {@}

    using stream_matched might do the job, i was hoping there'd be something a little simpler though.

  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    The examples were still stripped from your post. Can you add them as an attachment?



  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    the problem is i'm breaking internet explorer compatibility with a find/replace that i'm doing.  here's a more specific example.  again, three different strings:
    now, if i do something like this, it replaces all three domain names with "/" however i only want to replace the second two, not the first since it breaks compatibility with internet explorer:
    STREAM::expression {@}
    using stream_matched might do the job, i was hoping there'd be something a little simpler though.

  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    I think this might work, if you only want to rewrite a href's:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        Disable the stream filter for all requests
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {  
        Check if response type is text  
       if {[HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text"}{  
           Match a tags for
          STREAM::expression {@