Forum Discussion

Jim_97242's avatar
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Mar 08, 2011

store user/pass in connection

Is there any way to embed the username/password in the vpn connection somehow? We are using a bigip and have people using a web browser going to and they put their username and password in which authenticates to AD. This all works fine but I'm wondering if I can set the connection up so that they go to the url and they dont have to fill out their user/pass. Can this be stored somehow? Would i have to have the browser remember the credentials?


  • You can have SSO setup as long as they have the big-ip client and use Network Access. There is no way to gather a username and password and auto populate the field. You'll have to create your own custom logon page that allows the browser to remember the password.
  • Thanks. They do have the client and use network access, but they are not on our domain and their windows logons do not match their bigip logons so sso wouldnt really work i guess. thanks for the info.
  • Just ran across this, I have local clients that are trying to do the same thing, they are using client/NA and ARE domain machines/accounts, do either of you have the SSO setup to form fill the cached user/pass from machine login?
  • Posted By jmcalalang on 05/19/2011 10:47 AM


    Just ran across this, I have local clients that are trying to do the same thing, they are using client/NA and ARE domain machines/accounts, do either of you have the SSO setup to form fill the cached user/pass from machine login?



    Take a look at sol10081