Jun 13, 2012Nimbostratus
Simple HTTP Health Monitor Parsing Issue
Using an HTTP Health Monitor applied on the Application Pool level, I am having an issue.
My Send String is as follows:
GET /status.aspx HTTP/1.0\nHost: test.example.com \nConnection: close\n\n
The Receive String is:
Status Page
To my knowledge, the Send String is sent to the Pool Member via IP and what is returned and parsed looking for the Receive String would be raw HTML.
"Status Page" is present in the title of the page as such:
Example Status Page
Is there some issue with a space before the text? As configured as stated here, the monitor marks the pool members as down. If I use other words that are on the page, it works! But I would like to stick to the standard that I have been using so far.
Let me know if you need any other information.