Forum Discussion

Nik_67256's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 02, 2012

Setting Attack Signatures - Query



Hello All/ Aaron,



Had 2 Queries on Attack Signatures-


1) ASM speaks of protecting against a list of attack signatures. Here is a link to document which describes the list (see table 11.1 in this doc)



However, Are all of the listed protections mentioned here enabled once we block by going to policy-->blocking screen-->Attack signature(block) or do some of them work only when settings in other screen are appropriately enabled. E.g. for



For DOS protection - do we first goto anomaly detection-->DOS protection and give details


For Brute Force - do we first goto anomaly detection--> Brute force and give details


For CSRF protection - do first goto anomaly detection--> CSRF protection



2) Regarding CSRF - have defined URL/* wildcard (in anomaly detection screen )but not sure if its doing its job of protecting all URLs under the wildcard as i dont see any learnings. (Note - ASM version is 10.2.2)








    This has been resolved. BF,CSRF DOS come under anomaly detection and hence are treated seperate.





    This has been resolved. BF,CSRF DOS come under anomaly detection and hence are treated seperate.



