not meant unkind but it helps if you explain the full situation at the start. things like the iRule events can matter in cases like this. the environment (AWS in your case) might also be related, i don't expect it, but it is good to know in general.
so i moved my previous setup to one closer to yours, please let me know the difference if there are any left.
iRule on VS1
set srcip [IP::remote_addr]
log -noname "CLIENT_ACCEPTED put $srcip with value blocked in blacklist subtable"
table add -subtable "blacklist" $srcip "blocked" 360 360
log -noname "CLIENT_ACCEPTED collect 15 bytes of data"
TCP::collect 15
log -noname "CLIENT_DATA found client data"
log -noname "CLIENT_DATA send to virtual vs-test-02"
virtual /Common/vs-test-02
iRule on vs-test-02
set srcip [IP::remote_addr]
set result [table lookup -subtable "blacklist" $srcip]
log -noname "CLIENT_ACCEPTED result for $srcip is $result."
and this works
Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_ACCEPTED put with value blocked in blacklist subtable
Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_ACCEPTED collect 15 bytes of data
Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_DATA found client data
Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_DATA send to virtual vs-test-02
Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_ACCEPTED result for is blocked.
i did some tests with the TCP::collect with bigger numbers of minimum bytes and i had once it didn't work, the lookup failed. but im unable to reproduce that. the collect which triggers a new event makes me a little worried, but then again, if you use the virtual in that _DATA event it shouldn't matter, but still is that choice required there?
im very interested in how your iRule looks (if possible to share more after cleanup of any internal only details) to see if a cause can be found there. but so far this works.
oh and if you haven't raise a ticket with F5 support, this is getting to the point where it indeed might be an internal things.