Forum Discussion

Nath's avatar
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Jan 23, 2023

Sending syslogs and ltm logs to BIGIQ DCD

Has anyone tried sending syslogs and LTM logs from BIGIP to DCD? I am exploring the BIG-IQ and DCD and trying to figure out this kind of setup.
  • Paulius's avatar
    Jan 24, 2023

    Nath It seems like a configuration conflict with what is on the BIG-IQ doesn't match what is on the BIG-IP or possibly the other way around. These types of errors have occurred for me when a profile existed on the BIG-IQ and I synced the configuration to the BIG-IP with the checkbox something along the lines of "Delete Unused Objects" so the BIG-IQ was issuing a delete of the profile it had but the BIG-IP didn't have so it errored out. You might see if something like that exists when you are attempted to perform the discovery.