Forum Discussion
SAML artifact server - using redirect not post
When it comes to troubleshooting, I'd record a packet trace aftere we enabled the TCP Reset causes:
- tmsh modify sys db tm.rstcause.pkt value enable
tmsh modify sys db tm.rstcause.log value enable
Hopefully, this should help (tell?) us why the ARS VS is reseting the connection.
That looks very useful, got this
No server selected
which is strange, working with F5 support team they reacon i have hit a bug - i had it attached to my https VS and had a ssl client profile. they suggested to create a new vs and add a pool. instead I attached my ars to my http VS. its almost like the VS doesn't recognise the call as a SAML.
THinking out loud - maybe because I don't have the APM profile attached to the http VS.
So setup a pool and reverse proxy it from the http to the https vs
I have done a tcpdump and I can see a rst - but nothing in the rst logs
interesting I can see the request making it to VS - i have a IRULE that captures the request and logs it !
I have tried using that post and hand crafting it with curl and sending it manually - again I can see the request coming in but noting back
- Leslie_HubertusJan 05, 2023Ret. Employee
As you said, it's been the holidays. Just dropping a note to make sure Scot_JC saw your follow-up. Are you still experiencing the issue then, AlexS_yb?
- AlexS_ybJan 05, 2023
yeah 😞
- Leslie_HubertusJan 05, 2023Ret. Employee
AlexS_yb - what's your support case number? I'll try to follow up on this tomorrow.
Edit: got your PM, thanks. Will follow up.
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