Forum Discussion

Akhtar_109015's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 09, 2013

Route Domains design query

Hello all,


I have a requirement to create route domains in F5 running 11.4 HF3 in non multi-tenant environment. My query is in what cases do we need to create RDs with their own separate partitions ? In my case I have created RDs in Common partition and has been running fine. What is the best practice in this regard ?


Following is the note in the documentation:


If you want to segment traffic into multiple route domains, you can create additional route domains in partition Common and then segment application traffic among those route domains.






  • Hi Akhtar,


    one of the ugly disadvantages of RD is the %-notation. Therefor our best practices is to create dedicated partitions for each RD and use the "This route domain is the Partition Default Route Domain" option. As a result you will only see the configuration per RD when switching the partitions (which is also some kind of visual separation) and the biggest advantage you don't see any %-notation and you also don't have to add the correct %-notation when creating nodes or vs.


    Only thing you have to be careful is when using network DGLs and playing with iRules. Hope that helps a little bit.


    Ciao Stefan :)


  • Emad's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Dear, obviously route domain are created for two purposes. 1- Segmentation of you network topology, and implementation of firewall between two networks. like DMZ to DB traffic should be secure etc 2- Reuse of your network sub-nets.


    All depends how you want to use and whats is network design requirement. if you can tell your requirement then it will be more easier to understand your problem and provide solution for it,


  • Hi Akhtar, I am planning for same setup with RDs in common Partition .I am confused about failover. Can you guide me about how failover work ?? Thanks
  • Hi Akhtar,


    I am planning for same setup with RDs in common Partition .I am confused about failover.


    Can you guide me about how failover work ??

