Forum Discussion

Angel_Lopez_116's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Dec 04, 2014

Right procedure to shutdown a Viprion system with vCMP

Hi there,


I got a Viprion with two blades, vCMP and several guests, and I wonder which is the recommended procedure to shutdown the whole system.


I don't know if it's enough with a "clsh shutdown -h now" at vCMP level or I should to do that same command in each guest before doing it in the vCMP system.


As an alternative to doing a shutdown of each guest, I've read about using tmsh to change the state of all guests to provisioned before doing the shutdown of the vCMP system. Is this the preferred procedure instead of doing a "clsh shutdown" from inside the guest?


Would it be differences between doing a shutdown on the guest or deprovisioning it from vCMP on boot time? I guess that if I deprovision a guest before shutting down the vcmp system, when I boot the system, the guest will be in deprovisioned state and I'll have to deploy it again, right?


If I do a shutdown in the guest before the shutdown in the vcmp system, on boot time, what would be the guest state?


I have to define the shutdown and boot procedures for a maintenance stop on our data center and I don't know which procedure would be the better.


Thanks a lot.


  • Greetings Angel, It looks like you should shut the guests down with the following command, run on the host:


    tmsh modify vcmp guest all state provisioned


    Then, shut the entire host (or chassis) down with:


    clsh shutdown now


    This information comes from this solution on Askf5:



    Also, probably best to wait a minute when changing all of the guest states.


    Hope this is helpful, Kevin


  • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Greetings Angel, It looks like you should shut the guests down with the following command, run on the host:


    tmsh modify vcmp guest all state provisioned


    Then, shut the entire host (or chassis) down with:


    clsh shutdown now


    This information comes from this solution on Askf5:



    Also, probably best to wait a minute when changing all of the guest states.


    Hope this is helpful, Kevin


    • Angel_Lopez_116's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
      Hi Kevin, after booting again the system the guests will be in provisioned state, right? so I'll have to run a command like "tmsh modify vcmp guest all state deployed" to get all up and running again, right? Thanks!
  • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi Angel, yes that's the correct command. SOL14302 may need to be updated to include this info.


    Thanks! Kevin


  • Quick follow up question :)


    For the same Viprion system but WITHOUT VCMP JUST LTM, would it be enough with a simple and direct "clsh shutdown -hP" command to halt and poweroff the whole system? or it's recommended other shutdown procedure?




  • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi Angel, That command looks correct for shutting down, but I've always added "now" to the end.


    clsh shutdown -hP now


    Thanks, Kevin