Forum Discussion

Stuart_Buck's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 15, 2019

Rewrite URI in multiple places

Hi all,

Hoping to get some assistance please with the following.

So a request will come into the LTM such as;


and we would like it to be changed to;


In summary;

changed to;


and we are replacing;





apart from that everything else remains as is.


Kind Regards,

  • Hi


    If you want to replace one string with another then you could use string map. The code would look something like


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	log local0. "Before Change: [HTTP::host] - [HTTP::uri]"
    	if {([HTTP::host] eq "") && ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/bpointcallback/")}{
    	HTTP::header replace Host ""
    	HTTP::uri [string map -nocase [list "/bpointcallback/" "/apex/f?p=ARPAY:BPOINTRESP:" "?ResponseCode" ":::::?ResponseCode"] [HTTP::uri]]
    	log local0. "After Change: [HTTP::host] - [HTTP::uri]"


  • Hi


    If you want to replace one string with another then you could use string map. The code would look something like


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    	log local0. "Before Change: [HTTP::host] - [HTTP::uri]"
    	if {([HTTP::host] eq "") && ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/bpointcallback/")}{
    	HTTP::header replace Host ""
    	HTTP::uri [string map -nocase [list "/bpointcallback/" "/apex/f?p=ARPAY:BPOINTRESP:" "?ResponseCode" ":::::?ResponseCode"] [HTTP::uri]]
    	log local0. "After Change: [HTTP::host] - [HTTP::uri]"


    • Stuart_Buck's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thank you very much for that!!!

      Just had to redirect it and works perfect ;)

      HTTP::respond 301 Location http://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]