Aug 12, 2011Nimbostratus
Reverting to http1.0 from http1.1
Hi guys,
we've one virtual server (standard with tcp profile, really basic config) load balancing http connections to a pool of 4 members in round-robin. Under heavy load conditions, one of the servers (randomly) gets overloaded and crashes, it seems like it receives more http requests than others. In order to avoid this we're thinking to use http1.0 instead of http1.1 so that each single http request is served by a different node and load balancing is more granular.
I though to use an iRule like this:
if {[HTTP::header is_keepalive]} {
HTTP::header replace "Connection" "close"
HTTP::version "1.0"
which changes both the version and connection headers.
Since I'm not an http expert I'd really appreciate your opinion.