Forum Discussion

scarpozzi_82104's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 26, 2011

Reverse-proxying & URI rewriting

I may be creating a lot of work, but I'm wondering if this can be done via an iRule.



We've got a webserver here that's hosting personal web space for a few thousand users. We have a vendor that's willing to host these for us, but we want to make it transparent to the user. Currently, the URL/URI is formatted When we switch to the new system, the URL will be



If the user types the URL/URI format I first mentioned, that should be fairly straightforward...I'm just wondering how to write an iRule that would cover extra characters the users may add, like or to disect and reassemble it on the other side. Are there any examples/documentation of how to do these kinds of rewites for a reverse-proxy?




If that's not going to be possible or too complicated, I'll settle for a redirect.




  • Will the file/folder structure still be the same?



    So, if exists, will also exist?



    When you say transparently, does this mean the user won't be redirected to their site or that they simply won't have to click anything?
  • The file/folder substructure will be the same from the user's folder your example is correct.



    When I say transparently, I'm referring to a reverse-proxy configuration...if F5 can do that. I've worked with other load balancer products that can.



    What I was wanting was this action: The user types in the first URL: "" and gets the content from the external URL site. While proxying the content from the external site, HTML content that matches the is rewritten dynamically to match so non-relative html links won't get broken. Can the F5 do that? We didn't have enough money for proper training after we bought these boxes. =P



    If I can't do the html rewriting, I'll be forced to settle for a redirect. The redirect would allow users to stick with our old URL and give them time to start learning the external's just a longer URL/URI combination for them to remember and learn.
  • The file/folder substructure will be the same from the user's folder your example is correct.



    When I say transparently, I'm referring to a reverse-proxy configuration...if F5 can do that. I've worked with other load balancer products that can.



    What I was wanting was this action: The user types in the first URL: "" and gets the content from the external URL site. While proxying the content from the external site, HTML content that matches the is rewritten dynamically to match so non-relative html links won't get broken. Can the F5 do that? We didn't have enough money for proper training after we bought these boxes. =P



    If I can't do the html rewriting, I'll be forced to settle for a redirect. The redirect would allow users to stick with our old URL and give them time to start learning the external's just a longer URL/URI combination for them to remember and learn.
  • Thanks.



    I've seen examples of this using HTTP::retry. If I have time today, I'll see if I can whip something up.