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kashif_shahzad's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 21, 2022

F5 Reverse Proxy setup


i have started using F5 newly and not comfortable with iRules yet. 

Need help for a reverse proxy setup.

have 2 domain urls:**

these should go to one pool. And

should go to another pool.

Can some expert here help in writing a iRule to achieve this.

  • Hi kashif_shahzad , 
    please try this : 

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
     if {[HTTP::host] eq ""}{ 
      pool pool_1
     } elseif {[HTTP::host] eq ""}{ 
         pool pool_2

    > Make sure with pools names within irule as it must be identical with pool name itself , usually I copy pool name and paste it within irule to make sure the names are identical. 

    > We can do your request by anothe approache , Do you know about Local traffic policy , it is a very useful tool in f5 and can replace iRule in many implementations but not all as irule used in more complex approaches. 
    > if you need me to implement your request by Local traffic policy instead of irules , I’d love to do that definitly. 

    I hope this helps you. 

  • Hi kashif_shahzad , 
    please try this : 

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
     if {[HTTP::host] eq ""}{ 
      pool pool_1
     } elseif {[HTTP::host] eq ""}{ 
         pool pool_2

    > Make sure with pools names within irule as it must be identical with pool name itself , usually I copy pool name and paste it within irule to make sure the names are identical. 

    > We can do your request by anothe approache , Do you know about Local traffic policy , it is a very useful tool in f5 and can replace iRule in many implementations but not all as irule used in more complex approaches. 
    > if you need me to implement your request by Local traffic policy instead of irules , I’d love to do that definitly. 

    I hope this helps you. 

    • kashif_shahzad's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Mohamed,

      thanks a lot for your quick response.

      If we use host in the Irule it will open all the undersites from internet. 

      if {[HTTP::host] eq ""}

      I was thinking a more specific logic to just open those url,s that come with these subdirectories in the url:*

      means only  url's that has host plus /BIZ/v2-xy/soapbridge/PT/xxxxx , 

      /BIZ/v2-xy/soapbridge/PT/yyyyyy and so on.

      i have tried policies but was unable to get the desired results. may be i was missing something.



      • Hi kashif_shahzad , 
        yes it simple because it forwards traffic based on host name in urls regardless what exists in the rest of requests , it is only looking for Requests hostnames 


  • Its really simple using the Local Traffic Policy as already mentioned.

    You can also make it to another virtual server.

    Which is something called VIP targetting VIP, basically a layer 7 NAT.
    It comes in very useful for use cases when you have only 1 IP, but need to host multiple domains/subdomains.