Forum Discussion
Restrict URI basis access when source has no static IP
How to restrict URI basis access when source has no static IP ?
Some of the vendor I see do not have static ip , so we will not be able to do URI level restriction for a specific source/company using src IP.
Cert based auth is not feasible as all vendor will not support cert based auth , then need to configure multiple VIP ( one for which can use cert auth and other for who does not support cert based auth ) , but we do not want to create multiple VIPs. Trying to see if we can fit the solution within a vip.
my scenario is like below
A Company >>
B Company >>
A will not be able to access ur1 and vice versa.
Based on my scenario which module i should use LTM - irule , APM , ASM ?
Hi Subrun ,
so you need different way other than source address ip to identify Company A/B... traffic.
you can ask them about their range of Ip subnets or address , and them in a data group >>> then match on this Data group to return the correct url response.- f5Subrun
as I said some of the company change their ip , so not trying to use src ip as condition.
Yes I know.
I proposed only this Data-group option , as I think there is no other criteria to put it as conditions.
Maybe another one in DevCentral give you clue.
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