Forum Discussion
Restrict access to virtual server during specified time
I'm wondering if there is a way in the F5 to restrict access to a virtual server during certain hours. For instance, if I wanted to only allow access during work hours (say, from 7am to 6pm on weekdays) and deny access outside of that timeframe. How would I go about this?
try this:
when RULE_INIT { array set static::timerange { Sunday {"07:00" "18:00"} Monday {"07:00" "18:00"} Tuesday {"07:00" "18:00"} Wednesday {"07:00" "18:00"} Thursday {"07:00" "18:00"} Friday {} Saturday {} } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set now [clock seconds] set current_day [clock format $now -format {%A}] set start [lindex $static::timerange($current_day) 0] set end [lindex $static::timerange($current_day) 1] if {($start ne "") && ($end ne "") && ($now >= [clock scan $start]) && ($now < [clock scan $end])} { set denied 0 } else {set denied 1} unset start end if { $denied } { HTTP::respond 200 content "<html><head><title>Not Authorised! Contact Administrator</title></head><body>Not Authorised! Contact Administrator...</body></html>" } else {pool POOL_443} unset denied }
- Faruk_AYDIN
Hi Guy,
Use this iRule:
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set start_time "0700" set end_time "1800" set day "Saturday Sunday" set dayTime [split [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%A %H %M}] " "] set cur_day [lindex $dayTime 0] set cur_time [expr [expr {[lindex $dayTime 1] *100}] + [lindex $dayTime 2]] if { ($day contains $cur_day) || ($cur_time < $start_time) || ($cur_time > $end_time) } { #drop it drop } }
- bsm1970
Help me understand this. Because it looks like you're telling it to allow traffic from 7am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday, but maybe I'm reading it wrong.
- Faruk_AYDIN
the logic of if clause has a bit tricky. It is the simplest way.
- Stanislas_Piro2
try this:
when RULE_INIT { array set static::timerange { Sunday {"07:00" "18:00"} Monday {"07:00" "18:00"} Tuesday {"07:00" "18:00"} Wednesday {"07:00" "18:00"} Thursday {"07:00" "18:00"} Friday {} Saturday {} } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set now [clock seconds] set current_day [clock format $now -format {%A}] set start [lindex $static::timerange($current_day) 0] set end [lindex $static::timerange($current_day) 1] if {($start ne "") && ($end ne "") && ($now >= [clock scan $start]) && ($now < [clock scan $end])} { set denied 0 } else {set denied 1} unset start end if { $denied } { HTTP::respond 200 content "<html><head><title>Not Authorised! Contact Administrator</title></head><body>Not Authorised! Contact Administrator...</body></html>" } else {pool POOL_443} unset denied }
- bsm1970
This seems to work well. Thanks to both of you for the quick replies!
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