Forum Discussion

bsm1970's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 09, 2019

Restrict access to virtual server during specified time

I'm wondering if there is a way in the F5 to restrict access to a virtual server during certain hours. For instance, if I wanted to only allow access during work hours (say, from 7am to 6pm on weekdays) and deny access outside of that timeframe. How would I go about this?

  • try this:

    when RULE_INIT {
        array set static::timerange {
            Sunday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Monday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Tuesday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Wednesday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Thursday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Friday {}
            Saturday {}
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set now [clock seconds]
        set current_day [clock format $now -format {%A}]
        set start [lindex $static::timerange($current_day) 0]
        set end [lindex $static::timerange($current_day) 1]
        if {($start ne "") && ($end ne "") && ($now >= [clock scan $start]) && ($now < [clock scan $end])} {
            set denied 0
        } else {set denied 1}
        unset start end
        if { $denied } {
            HTTP::respond 200 content "<html><head><title>Not Authorised! Contact Administrator</title></head><body>Not Authorised! Contact Administrator...</body></html>"
        } else {pool POOL_443}
        unset denied
  • Hi Guy,

    Use this iRule:

    	set start_time "0700"
    	set end_time "1800"
    	set day "Saturday Sunday"
    	set dayTime [split [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%A %H %M}] " "]
    	set cur_day [lindex $dayTime 0] 
    	set cur_time [expr [expr {[lindex $dayTime 1] *100}] + [lindex $dayTime 2]]
    	if { ($day contains $cur_day) || ($cur_time < $start_time) || ($cur_time > $end_time) } {
    		#drop it
    • bsm1970's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Help me understand this. Because it looks like you're telling it to allow traffic from 7am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday, but maybe I'm reading it wrong.

      • Faruk_AYDIN's avatar
        Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

        the logic of if clause has a bit tricky. It is the simplest way.

  • try this:

    when RULE_INIT {
        array set static::timerange {
            Sunday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Monday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Tuesday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Wednesday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Thursday {"07:00" "18:00"}
            Friday {}
            Saturday {}
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set now [clock seconds]
        set current_day [clock format $now -format {%A}]
        set start [lindex $static::timerange($current_day) 0]
        set end [lindex $static::timerange($current_day) 1]
        if {($start ne "") && ($end ne "") && ($now >= [clock scan $start]) && ($now < [clock scan $end])} {
            set denied 0
        } else {set denied 1}
        unset start end
        if { $denied } {
            HTTP::respond 200 content "<html><head><title>Not Authorised! Contact Administrator</title></head><body>Not Authorised! Contact Administrator...</body></html>"
        } else {pool POOL_443}
        unset denied
    • bsm1970's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      This seems to work well. Thanks to both of you for the quick replies!