Forum Discussion
Restrict Traffic To VIP By Subnet
I would like to restrict a subnet ( from accessing VIP: Is this possible with a irule? I can only find ways on how to restrict traffic from a single IP and not a subnet. Any help would be appreciated.
Just go with a datagroup with Irule method. So that you can add more IP's in the blacklist group on the file. You need not keep editing your irule.
Create a datagroup called blacklist subnet, make sure its type IP.
type: ip
ltm data-group internal blacklist_subnet { records { { } { } } type ip }
Then create your irule like below,
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { [class match [IP::client_addr] eq blacklist_subnet] } { log local0. "Client IP - [IP::client_addr] is blacklisted. Dropped traffic" drop } }
- Faruk_AYDIN
use this:
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/24 equals] } { drop } }
Just go with a datagroup with Irule method. So that you can add more IP's in the blacklist group on the file. You need not keep editing your irule.
Create a datagroup called blacklist subnet, make sure its type IP.
type: ip
ltm data-group internal blacklist_subnet { records { { } { } } type ip }
Then create your irule like below,
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { [class match [IP::client_addr] eq blacklist_subnet] } { log local0. "Client IP - [IP::client_addr] is blacklisted. Dropped traffic" drop } }
- DanS
Thanks Jaikumar and Faruk! The help is much appreciated!
The data group intrigues me. I don't see an option to create an "IP" type data group. The options I have are address, string, integer, and external file.
- DanS
Thanks I got it figured out with the data groups. Your example was command line instead of GUI so it threw me off. Thanks again for your help!
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